Chapter 3

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We all dove back into the tunnel again and landed on the platform.

'Did we get 'em all?' Bruce asked as we all let the suit disappear again.

'Are you telling me this actually worked?' Rhodey asked with a big smile on his face.

Clint for down the platform with a stomp, we all turned to him.

'Clint, where's Nat?' Bruce asked, not knowing if she was okay or not.

We all waited for an answer. But Clint still didn't say anything. Then we all got it, she was dead. On Vormir you have to sacrifice the thing you love the most. In Clint's case it was Natasha. I barely knew her, but still felt my heart broke when everyone looked extremely sad.

I didn't want to ask for the Time Stone because it wasn't an appropriate moment. They all looked so depressing. All different reactions.

I sat down on a chair in the compound, waiting for them to come back inside.

Days later and Tony began to finish his gauntlet for all the stones to fit in, so that someone could snap. They all were still sad but less than the days before, which was a good thing of course.

'All right, the glove's ready.' The talking raccoon said a few days later. 'Question is, who's gonna snap their freakin' fingers?'

'I'll do it.' Thor offered

'Excuse me?' Tony questioned
'Its okay.' Thor said as he walked towards the gauntlet.
'Stop, stop. Slow down.' Tony said before Thor could grab the glove

'Thoe. Just wait.' Steve said 'We haven't decided who's gonna put that on yet.'
'Oh, I'm sorry. What, we're just sitting around waiting for the right opportunity?' Thor snapped back
'We should at least discuss it.' Scott added

'Look, sitting here, staring at the thing is not gonna bring everybody back.' Thor said as he deeply inhaled. 'I'm the strongest Avenger, okay? So, this responsibility falls upon me. It's my duty.'

Tony and Steve quickly disagreed with Thor, trying to get him away from the glove. I saw Bruce lost in his thoughts, I knew exactly what he was thinking, I wasn't going to let that happen to him.

'Just let me do it, just let me do something good. Something right.' Thor whined
'No, it's not just fact that that glove is channeling enough energy to light up a continent. I'm telling you, you're in no condition.'

'What do you think is coursing through my veins right now?' Thor snapped back
'Cheez Whiz?' Rhodey guessed.

Thor madly pointed at Rhodey, wanting to say something back, but changed his mind. 'Lightning.' He said
'Yeah.' Tony sarcastically said
'Lightning.' Thor repeated

'Lightning won't help you, pal.' Bruce said. 'It's gotta be-' he wanted to say, but I interrupted.

'Me, let me do it.'
'I don't think that's a good idea, kid.' Steve said. I found it funny that he still called me kid although I am only 20 years younger than him.
'I lied about my ability.' I said.

'What?' Tony said as he turned to me.

'My body is made to survive.' I lied again. 'I can handle it.

'Well, okay.' Tony decided.

'Wait a minute.' Steve said. 'Tony, she is a just a kid.' Steve disagreed. 'You can't just let her snap.'

'Not a kid.' I reminded Steve.

'Her body is made to survive, Steve. She will survive the snap.' Tony argued.

'Exactly. I will be the most likely to survive out of all of you. And besides, after the snap I can just use the Reality Stone in combination with the Time Stone to get back to my family.'

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