Chapter 11

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The rest of the trip was awfully silent, I was very glad when we arrived at the mansion again.

'I've read so much about this place.' Moira claimed, looking amazed by the school.
Charles chuckled.
'But being here, it actually seems kind of... familiar. Strange.'

'Don't worry, we all have that.' I said, smiling at how confused Moira was. I couldn't say anything, obviously. Charles erased Moira's memories of us. Probably because Charles didn't trust her. After all, she did work at the CIA in that time.

'Quite.' Charles said to Moira, not really sure how to response.
'Shall we?' He asked while getting out of the car.

I nodded as I opened the car door and stepped out of the car, landing on the light grey stone. Feeling a light breeze, I walked back to the mansion, or school.

'Hank?' Charles called out as he wheeled inside of his office. 'I'd like you to meet...' he paused, being surprised by the familiar face sitting next to Hank.

'Moira?' The familiar face voice said in surprise. They stood up, being surpirsed by Moira, not Charles.

'Raven.' Charles said when he finally saw Raven after the... accident.

'I'm sorry, have we met?' Moira questioned with a confused look on her face. Poor Moira.
'Uh.' Charles struggled. 'Hank, Alex, Diana Agent MacTaggert... would you give us one moment, please?' He asked, wanting to talk to Raven.
'Of course.' I said as I left the room with Hank, Alex and Moira.

I tapped my foot on the floor, counting the seconds of akwardness. We waited patiently, wondering what Charles wanted to talk about with Raven.

'Hank, Thanos is here.' I said, breaking the silence.


'Thanos. He is in this reality.' I repeated.

'What?' He repeated. 'I thought you said-'
'Yeah, I know what I said but that doesn't matter anymore. What matters is that he is here and we don't have any way to stop him.'

He slowly nodded. 'Because Charles...'
I nodded. 'Yes, he doesn't want his kids to be warriors.' I mocked, using Charles voice.

'Which is a totally valid point.' Moira added, mixing into the conversation.

I sighed, cracking a small smile. 'Agent MacTaggert-'
'Call me Moira.'
'Moira,' I continued. 'This man... had sacrificed his own daughter just so he could do the thing he did was best for the world, which clearly isn't. How would you feel if your ex-husband sacrificed your son for a stone?' I questioned, it came out a bit harsher than I had expected. I smiled, waiting for an answer

Moira swallowed. 'I-' but before she could answer, Charles rolled out of the door.

The loooed around the hallway, checking if we were all still here. 'Follow me, please.' He ordered.

As he said, we followed him. He lead us to The Cerebro.

Charles rolled to the switch board thing and we walked behind him.
'Moira, I'm going to have to ask you to keep this a secret.' Charles said.

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