Andy plans what?!?!?!?!

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Chapter 8
~pov Andy~

Huh I can't stop thinking about her. She's been all I could think about since I met her. Her name is Nicole, I think it's my new favorite name. Well I'm trying to think of a great idea of where to take her and then it hits me I'm going to take her to a concert, but what concert....hmmm... Omg I got it I'll take Nicole to an Asking Alexandria concert, it's Danny's last one before he starts his new band...

I hope she likes it. All i want is for this date to be perfect, and I know this is gonna be to soon but I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend and I hope she says yes. Well I better text Danny telling him to save me two tickets.

Me: Hey Dannyyyy I really need a huge favor?
Danny: Yeah sure what is it mate?
Me: I need 2 tickets to your last Asking concert?
Danny: Yeah sure, but why? You and Juliet aren't together anymore I thought?
Me: Thank you so much buddy!!!! And we aren't together anymore, no I kinda met this new girl during an interview with Bryan and I just can't stop thinking about her and she loves our bands and all that kinda music and and she's just so beautiful.
Danny: Bloody hell mate you've really fallen for her. Well I got you those tickets and threw in backstage passes so I hope you have fun at the show and I'll see you after it, okay?
Andy: Thank you so much and okay, your a life saver.

Well everything is all set...SHIT!!!! I forgot to make a reservation at a restaurant, I quickly call the Cheesecake Factory and make a reservation for Friday night. Okay now everything is set and I can relax.
Huh..I really just want everything to be perfect.

☽The Path of the☼Sun&Moon☾जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें