So close to Andy yet so far !?!?!

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~pov nicole~

After my break with Milly I headed back to work. After I placed someone's order on their table I get a text. My phone said
hey nicole so you're still coming tomorrow right?
If you are the interview is at 12pm in front of Andys house okay?
 I quickly reply to him
To: Bryan
Ya I'm still going if you want me to and okay I'll see you there.

 After I reply I put my cell back in my back pocket and get back to work.

 After my shift ends it's time for Milly's performance so I grab my guitar from the back and start testing it out before we start.
Milly likes to sing some songs that we wrote ourselves or some covers. Since she was in a great mood we did a little bit of both.
I had a great time just rocking out behind her while she sang.

 At the end of the performance we walked up and we saw as shopping cart on the sidewalk so I told her to jump in and I started to push her all the way home. It's times like this I'm glad I have a best friend as great and crazy as her. When we get in the apartment we put on our onesies, talked about random things and then just passed out in the living room.

*****time skip next morning******
I woke up  from my phone alarm going off
"Shit" I say after I see its 10:30am and I gotta get ready. I throw a pillow at Milly to wake her ass up, then run to the bathroom and jump in the shower. When I get out, I run to my room put on my clothes, straighten my hair and put on a little bit of makeup.
By the time I'm done its 11:30pm,” fuck”, I exclaimed,” I only have an hour to get to Andy's place and meet Bryan.”
As I walk to the door I shout bye to Milly and then start heading to Andy's place....

 Once I get to Andy's I'm out of breath because I half walked half ran here, but once I got there I see Bryan outside waiting for me. I walk over to him and say hi.

He starts telling me how everything is gonna go with where we are gonna sit and where the camera is gonna be.

I ask him "Why do I have to know where to sit?"

He smiled and laughed at me then said "Cause you're gonna be in it with us duh"

I just look at him confused and say excitedly, "Really!? Omg yay thank you".

Once I've calmed down I see a tall guy walking our way and as he gets closer and closer I see that it none other than Andy Biersack.....

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