Chapter 151 to 160

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CHAPTER 151 - Edmond Dantès XXII

Fei Du quickly hailed a taxi outside. With an earbud in one ear, he smiled at the driver and told him the address.

The driver looked at him a good number of times in the rearview mirror and accidentally met Fei Du's eyes. He froze, then displayed a rather fawning smile. "It's all rich people living over there. I can only stop outside. I can't go in."

Taking a break from scrolling through his phone, Fei Du nodded to him. "Fine."

The end of the year had come, and the better part of the population of Yan City, like migrating birds, had flown off; the streets had emptied at once, making a taxi's business more difficult. The driver had probably been driving around on his own for a long time; he didn't notice that his passenger wasn't especially willing to chat. He kept attempting to make conversation. "Do you live over there yourself, or are you visiting friends or family?"

At the same time, a request for instructions came over Fei Du's earbud: "President Fei, there's a car following you. We chased, and it looks like they just noticed. They're trying to shake us."

"Follow the one that came to the door," Fei Du instructed lightly. Then he looked up at the rearview mirror at the front of the taxi.

The driver met his eyes again and inexplicably felt a chill climb up his spine, like a frog with the gaze of a viper fixed on it.

Fei Du looked at him, not quite smiling, and civilly said, "Sorry, I didn't quite hear, what did you just say?"

The driver didn't dare run off at the mouth anymore. He kept quiet as a cicada in winter the whole way, periodically looking in the review mirror, quickly and steadily taking Fei Du near his old house. He pressed a button on the fare meter. "There you are, we've arrived. Would you like a receipt?"

Fei Du sat without moving.

The driver turned his head to look at him. Perhaps the heating was turned up too high; there was some sweat at the corners of his forehead. Sweating, he smiled at Fei Du. "Sir, I can only come this far. This estate you live in doesn't let outside cars drive in at random."

"The estate I live in? Did I say that I live here?" Fei Du had his legs crossed and his elbow propped on the car door in a very relaxed posture, but there was a dangerous light seeping from his eyes. "Do you read people's fortunes in their faces, sir?"

The driver's eyes flashed, and he forced himself to add, "Going by the way you're dressed, you seem to belong to the class of people..."

Fei Du laughed silently, his eyes seeming to stay over the surroundings. The driver subconsciously followed his line of sight and saw a small-scale SUV driving from the other direction, going slower and slower, and then stopping by the side of the street. All the muscles in his body tensed rigidly, and one hand subconsciously went towards his waist.

"I always thought that they would be the first to come see me," Fei Du said unhurriedly. "I hadn't expected them to be more composed than I imagined, and much more cautious. To the last they've only dared to take a roundabout path, not meeting me face to face before Wei Zhanhong was ferreted out and my ill intent towards them was unfortunately revealed. Now, at the heart of the struggle, I figure they would love nothing better than to bury themselves deep underground and not come out. It won't be possible now to make them contact me voluntarily... But I really didn't expect that you people would be the first to appear in front of me."

Fei Du had his head propped on his long, slender hand, tapping his temple from time to time, the frequency setting off the driver's nervous breathing—each time he took a heavy breath, Fei Du would tap the side of his forehead once, as though pursuing his breaths with a forceful tempo, so the driver at once felt even more panicked and short of air.

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