How the days go by

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I wake up to sound of people yelling in the distance,It doesn't take me a while to know who it is. My parents do this all the time so I've gotten used to it. I sat up in my bed and placed my feet on the old creaky cold floor boards. "Good morning hell...." I said in a raspy morning voice. Part of me didn't want to stand up, I wanted to just stay in my bed and never wake up. But trust me, I've tried so many times that I don't even care anymore
I slowly stood up and staggered over to my piece of junk dresser that my parents scavenged out of the local dumpster. I don't have very much, but I have a couple shirts and 2 pairs of pants that we had stolen from the Walmart across the street. I pulled out my black jeans and A red long sleeve shirt, my parents don't allow us to wear short sleeves.
I slid on my shoes and slung my ripped up black backpack over my shoulder, I keep my....things in this backpack. So I never ever leave it at home, not even under the floor boards ((I've already tried that))
I gathered everything up and opened my window up slowly trying not to make to much noise. This house I call hell is almost 40 years old, and you can't make one move without it creaking and shaking. I looked down at the ground below me and then my door then I jumped. Even though I do this everyday i still kinda get scared, mainly because my parents can easily catch me considering the living room window is right below mine.
I hit the ground and stood up wiping all the dirt off my jeans. As soon as I get ready to walk off I'm startled by a loud crashing noise. I quickly turn around to see my fathers face bright red and the glass that was once our window shattered all over the ground. I wanted to run but I knew it would make things worse, so I stood there. Frozen in my tracks. "Where you going Nicholas?" My dad said looking me right in the eyes. "School." I said quickly and as calmly as I could knowing he wouldn't buy it. "Why don't you come inside for a second nick?" I knew what was going to be waiting for me if I went inside. "No. I will be late for school" I responded instantly regretting it. My fathers face turned even redder then before and I knew I was about to make my hell worse.
I slowly walked to the front door. When my hand touched the old rusted handle of the old creaky door everything stopped.

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