Fake girls

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I must've been laying here for hours now. Just thinking, thinking wether or not if I should go get high again or if I should continue to look at the tree leaves above my head.
"Was it worth it nick?" I heard a small voice say, sounded like it came from behind me. I quickly stood up and nervously looked around thinking my dad was somewhere near by. "I'm u-uh over here" I heard the voice once more but this time it sounded closer to me. I shuddered at the thought that there was someone who could be behind some bush near me who knew my name.
"I will um come out" I heard the voice say faintly, then one of the bushes started to rustle. I closed my eyes preparing myself for getting beat up. "Um nick?" I looked up to see a girl standing in front of me. I never have liked girls like her. The whole "oh I'm Emo rawr!" Kind of girls, ugh.
She had teased up pink and bright purple hair that looked like a rat lived in her bangs. I wanted to pull the hairbrush in my bag out and throw it at her, hoping it would make her leave. "W-what are you staring at?" The girl said pretending to be a little "shy and depressed" teenager with no friends. But I'm 100% sure that if you looked on her Instagram page she has more followers then Taylor swift and all she ever posts is her edited selfies.
"Nothing much" I said with a smirk on my face, ready to mess with her. "I'm uh Karis, I uh go to your school!" she said as she looked at me with her eyeliner-painted eyes. "Yeah" I said pretending to know what she was talking about. "Yeah I remember you" I said as i sat back down next to my backpack under the tree. "Um yeah, and I've always wanted to talk to you..." she said as she started fiddling with her 8 blood on the dance floor bracelets. I sighed and let out a light groan. I hate blood on the dance floor everything about it, every girl like this one on Instagram post pictures of dahvie vanity and comment "OMG this band saved my lifeeeee 😍😍😍" and then all the other scene girls argue in the comment section about who is the most depressed.
What kind of "saving my life' lyric is "want my cock? Pick a number join the line" wow I can feel my depression already going away!
"So um can I join you out here?"
Oh god, is this how my days going to be

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