What the hell is friendship???

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School is like hell but 10x worse to me. It's just a bunch of whores and jerks, and there is always drama.
I hate everything about school. It was pointless and a waste of time. I think I can handle myself in the real world without knowing geometry.
As soon as I walked in the bell rang "nice one nick...." I said quietly to myself knowing what was going to happen next. The doors opened and people started to pour out into the hallways. I just decided to walk through them so I could get to the boys bathroom, there's usually guys smoking after school in there.
While I was rushing through I heard all the usual insults "go cut yourself fag" "wanna borrow a razor?" "Did your daddy give those to you?" "Are those fresh you fag?" And blah blah blah. I could give less of a fuck what everyone thought about me.
I finally got to the boys bathroom after a good 3 minutes. Right before I walked in, the door opened and I walked right into the guy who was trying to leave. "Aw fuck, look I'm sorry man." I said as I got out of the way. "Hah it's ok man, I like your shirt by the way!" He said as he looked at me and smiled. I looked down at my shirt and remembered that I had changed my shirt while I was in the woods. It was an old suicide silence shirt, and it is also my favorite shirt. "Uh thanks" I said quickly knowing it's not okay to make friends, they all hurt you in the end. "Yeah no problem, my name is Kyle by the way. What's yours?" He said happily. This kid is weird and way to positive... "My name is Nicholas, but I like to be called nick" I tried not to make too much eye contact with him. "That's a cool name man, wanna chill sometime?" Oh fuck. I don't like where this is going. "Sure." I said instantly regretting it. He pulled out a sheet of paper and a pen and started to write down his number. I've gotten 2 numbers in 1 day, what the hell?
"Text me sometime, bye nick" he said as he smiled and walked away.
I continued on into the bathroom and frowned. "No stoners today?" I said quietly to myself. I might as well stay for a bit, it's better then going back home.
I sat on the floor next to the sinks and pulled my phone out, I seriously don't know why I'm doing this.
I put both of their numbers into my phone and sent a simple text message to both of them. "Hey it's nick" that seems like a good way to start a conversation right?

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