This isnt going to end well

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I set my phone down next to me and realized what I was doing. "God dammit nick what are you doing?" I said quietly to myself as I slumped down and laid my head on my backpack. I don't want to be friends with them, but I hate being alone....
I thought about how it all would end. They will all leave me to rot away in that house to never be seen again.
"No one cares nick so you might as well stop trying!" I heard a deep voice yell as the bathroom door opened. Ugh it is mark and his "crew" I hate nick. I've known him since 3rd grade, we used to be best friends believe it or not. Then he got a girlfriend and more attention and he changed. "Thanks mark, good to see you too...." I said as I stood up and shot him a sarcastic smile. "Looks like Nicholas wants to fight?" Joe said trying to fit in with the group. "Shut up joe your not helping" Mark spat at him. I kinda felt bad for joe, but it's his choice. "Wow joe this is really what you will go through just to get a girl?" I said as I walked over to mark and gestured to him. I loved fighting, I loved feeling the power I had over people. "Shut least I don't cut myself over nothing" he said as he smiled at me knowing it would make me mad. That was it, I didn't want the fight to start this early but it's too late now. "Y-you fuckin..." I yelled as I clenched my fists and swung at him. He came back up holding his bloody nose that he deserved and looked at mark. "Wow what a good hit nick! Let me try" he said as he pushed me into the edge of the sinks. I winced in pain and quickly stood up and kicked him backwards. The rest of his group of dicks stood and watched yet another nick+mark fight. They where amused watching us go at it. "Fuck you mark" I yelled and kicked his side as hard as I could. He started to curl into a ball and hold his sides. "N-nick you hate your dad, but y-your just like him!" He said as he looked up at me with his now bright red face. "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU WOULDN'T EVEN KNOW THE HALF OF THE SHIT I HAVE TO PUT UP WITH THAT IN MY HOUSE. I WATCH MY MOM GET BEAT EVERY DAY." I said as I squatted down and pulled him up by his shirt. "P-pussy" he said quietly and tried to smile but as soon as he did I lifted my fist up and started punching. "WHILE YOU GET A NICE WARM HAPPY HOME WITH YOUR PERFECT FAMILY! HOWS YOUR GIRLFRIEND MARK? SHE STILL A LITTLE SLUT?" I yelled as my punches got harder. "MAYBE I SHOULD TELL YOU ABOUT THE GOOD TIME SHE GAVE ME LAST WEEKEND?" I stopped punching and looked at the blood on my fists. "W-what??" He said as he tried to get joe and Daniel to help him up. "Oh she didn't tell you?" I said as I stood up and pulled my phone up and smiled.

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