Ch 18: Clarity's Crazy

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Legends may be cancelled but the glitch series is not! I'm going to finish this watching book Damnit and do the sequels too maybe if this new approach works. I just need the right strategy so it won't be too daunting for me.

Here's what we're going to try this time. 

Instead of going chapter by chapter or cutting  things down- we'll just go scene by scene. Break it like a Kit Kat. They'll be short but frequent. I'm going to try to do updates every two days or so. So, If I don't update within three days.... Nag me about it. Tell me to update. It'll help. You have my permission.

Also just so you know....Book 3 is back on too. You can find it here:

Anyways on with the watching! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨

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Anyways on with the watching!

"I thought you two were siblings?" Gail asked confused clutching at her chest.

"Yeah, how does this work with their cover story?" Kara wondered in confusion.

"Uh...yeah, no idea. She lost me." Barry replied looking just as confused and even grossed out. "Incest really?"

"I know that's just nasty." Iris shook her head.

"It would be worse if they were actually raised together." Eddie agreed. "Good thing we know this is just pretend."

"Oh yeah, it's great that we can say they aren't technically related." Joe chimed in. "Like this kind of thing would ever really happen. Some people are just sick in the head. Who'd ever approve of that?"

"We are" Ray answered as he tried to figure out what the hell had gotten into Clarity all of a sudden. The kissing part he understood. This part not so much.

"Poor Ray, we're lost just watching this." Anna frowned. "I can't imagine how confused he is."

"I know." Felicity breathed, "When I told Clarity it was okay to kiss him, this is not what I meant!"

"Whoa, back up. You told Clarity to kiss Ray?" Oliver raised an eyebrow at her. "Why?"

"I thought they'd be good together and I felt bad about dumping him." Felicity sighed to herself.

"There's nothing wrong with following your heart Felicity." Diggle assured her.

"Unless your related, which I still sincerely believe that you and Ray might be." Oliver sighed.

"Oliver." Felicity gave him a stern look.

"What? The possibility is there." Oliver insisted.

"Your unbelievable. Ray and I are not related." Felicity swatted him in the chest. "Maybe Kara is."

"Me? Related to Ray? We live on different earths." Kara protested. "I'm from another planet on top of that. Why would we be related?"

"You've got that same adorable puppy face thing that all you pretty nerds have." Eddie kicked his feet up.

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