Ch. 3- ❦︎Be careful what you wish for❦︎

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[I hope you all enjoy, and please watch out for errors and typos, thank you]

❦︎Be careful what you wish for❦︎

"Let's get back together."

My eyes widened. Is he serious?! How am I supposed to trust him?

I look down at his tear stained face, although he looks pretty even when crying, I still can't help but be hesitant. Has he really changed?

Although the public viewed me as the one dominating our relationship, when the doors are closed and it's just me and Philip, he rules over everything. He's in charge.

Although he was the colony, I felt like I was the one tangled in his webs. And to be fair, I didn't really like Russia. He was awful at giving blowjobs, and can't even give a single bit of affection. But I didn't want to break up with him because deep down I knew, that at the end of the day, I was going to come crawling back to Philip...

But maybe this is fate.

Maybe I am supposed to go back to him.

Maybe this is how it is ought to be.



I flinched at the nickname. It could almost bring me to tears. I've longed to hear him call me that again.

I sigh, welp, here goes nothing.

"Yes my love?" Philip's eyes widened at my response, he smiles before hugging me tightly, burying his face on my neck, I chuckle and pat his back.

"I promise! This time! It'll be different!"

I sigh, "alright...but first" I gently push his head away from my neck, "I can't promise to keep you happy and satisfied at all times. And I might end up hurting you during this relationship."

He perks up and nodded, "it's okay! Just being with you is enough to make me happy. And even if you hurt me, I'll still love you! Forever and always!"


I smile and nod, "alright...let's get dressed" he nods, "but shouldn't we shower first?" He asks with a mischievous grin.

I raise a brow, he giggles and gets up before pulling my arm and dragging me to the bathroom..


I pant heavily as I exited the bathroom with a towel loosely wrapped around my waist. I look at Philip who frolicks across the room and to the bed where his servants prepared his and my clothes.

Despite his limping, he acts as if nothing just happened in the shower.

So it's back to this, huh?

...or, maybe I'm just judging too quickly? It has been three years, and maybe I'm not seeing it as it is- or as it's supposed to be? Maybe he did really change and I'm just overlooking it? Yeah, probably.

That's probably it. I shouldn't judge too quickly.




"Amee!! Please!" He begs, I groan and sigh, "fine! Fine." I say as I get up from my chair while Philip clings on to me.

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