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Good noon, afternoon, evening, or morning.

SHO here (('cause who else would it be?)) I'm so sorry for the lack of updates in this book.

I already have three completed chapters ready, but I plan on finishing the entire book before I upload anything.

Yep, you heard that right! My Undying Love is coming to an end! I hope that you're all looking forward to it, 'cause I sure am! Haha!

Anyway, that's all I want to say about this book, I don't want to spoil anything.

But it's amazing how a three-shot fic managed to become it's own, entire book 💀.

I guess the story was compelling enough for you guys?

I'm starting to think that I might not be good at making ongoing series of chapters with a wider range of plot and should just stick to making oneshots 💀.

But, eh. I love the books that I've created, so I'm determined to finish them. I also don't want to leave you guys hanging. I know what it's like to enjoy a book and then find out that the author have completely abandoned the book and not know it's conclusion. It's quite possibly the worst thing that could happen to me as a fan, to be honest.

Anyway, with all of that said!

SHO, signing in ✓

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