Chapter 13: My Fate

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Some Love One, Some Love Two But I only love one and That is you.

QueenZain3- (Me)

Another Hour has past since the incident with Chris and Phil Happened. Chris just fell asleep because of his thoughts getting into his head. It was almost 5 AM and Chris woke up from a sound and He looked around his cell and sighed.

Chris: Guess This is the rest of my life...

Chris holded his head as He saw the letter from yesterday which he felt sad seeing it.

Chris: Can I atleast see you one time? Can I see Liv one more time? Can I....see her one more time?

He placed the letter down and Started starring at the ceiling. Couple mintues past when Chris saw a Officer approaching him.

Chris: What do you want-

Officer: You have been bailed out of Jail now. You may go home now.

Chris was shocked as He looked confused at the officer. Who even bailed him in the first place? He knows his parents wouldn't, His friends don't know the situation, Liv doesn't know the Situation.

Chris: I'm bailed?

Officer nodded as Chris got up from and walked with the officer as Chris asked a question.

Chris: Who bailed me?

Officer: Stop asking questions, *Sighs* Its a Women name G-

Another Officer was calling the Officer who was with Chris as They walked faster and Reached with the others as The Officer removed Chris's handcuffs.

Officer: Your free to leave, But that doesn't mean You can do crime with you feel like. Be careful next time.

Chris didn't speak and Went outside the Police Station as He was looking at the view of Nature. It somehow felt like years since he was out. Suddenly a Officer came again.

Officer: I forgot to Mention, You received a Letter too.

Chris grabbed the letter as The officer left as Chris looked around and started reading the letter.

Dear Chris.

My poor love living in a Jail cell makes me hurt. I told you though... I told you I was there for you, I told you I can fix this problem, I told you I'll never leave your side, I told you... ill never leave your heart. Some love one, Some Love Two, I only love one and That is you ♡
Have a Safe day now. I know problems aren't exactly done But I know you can overcome these problems, Love.

Sincerely, Your Dearest one ♡

Chris smiled and kept the letter with him. He knows Problems aren't exactly done but With The Admirer in his side. It felt better. Chris decided to sneak into his house and grab all his bags and Go live somewhere else. When he reached his house.. he saw his bags all outside as He sighed.

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