Chapter 20: Million Hearts

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Moments of their life, They had a Great moment in the Park and Went back home Peacefully. Today was another day for the couple and Liv wanted to spend some time with her friends and told Chris if he wanted to come with her which he agreed.

They were at the main street near a store as Liv came running to her friends while Chris was following her from behind.

Liv: Hey Girls!! Its been awhile, How have you all been?

Priscella: Oh We're been fine, Just had to deal with Peyton and Billie's Drama.

They both glared at Priscella as Liv was laughing. They saw Chris behind Liv as He was starring at the main street.

Peyton: Having a great time?

Chris: Yes, Especially being with Liv.

Liv: *Giggles* Awwww Chrissy.

She kissed his cheek as The Girls awed.

Billie: You two are already so cute!!

Liv: Thank you. Hehehehe.

Chris: So Where are we heading to?

Peyton: We're going to shop some new dresses!!!

Priscella: Yesssss!!!! Are you in Liv and Chris??

Liv: Definitely! Are you fine with it. Chris?

Chris: Yes I'm definitely fine with it.

Billie: Awesome! Let's go now.

Chris's mind: Im glad your not screaming too much today.

The girls ran inside the car as Chris chuckled.

Chris: This is gonna be a very long day.

He decided to drive for the girls as He went to the driver's seat.

Chris: Everyone got their seatbelts on!?

Everyone: Yes!!!

Chris: Good then, Because I don't anyone to get hurt.

He started driving as Chris looked at the small mirror Liv was giving a bright smile as He had a smile. Liv was talking about Her and Chris's dates and talking normal things as Peyton had something to say.

Peyton: I wonder if Chris is a good driver.

Chris: Are you doubting me???

Liv: Haha! Easy there, Girls. Chris is a safe driver.

Billie: Thats good. I don't want him to start driving like how in Rob Zombie's Dragula song.

They all shared a great laugh together and continued talking. Chris decided to talk a little about himself.

Chris: Yes, My Parents are jerks but not like how my brother is.

Priscella: Dang, That sucks. Sorry if that happened.

Chris: Its fine. My Life feels brighter without them.

He looked at Liv as She blushed and smiled. They reached the mall as The girls started running.

Chris: Slow down, I haven't even started a few steps to walk.

Liv: Awwww Well I'm racing you, Lovely.

Liv began running faster as Her friends were running too. Liv thought she out runned Chris but suddenly she felt a tap on her shoulder and saw Chris

Liv: Wait! How did you get here so fast!?

Chris: Hehehe I'm fast runner, Livy.

Liv: No fair!

Chris hugged her as Liv hugged him back. Her friends were starring at them as they awed again.

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