Chapter ONE

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I opened the door of my car and put my face on the steering wheel. What was that yoga breath? "Lion's breath". I tried to do that for a while, until I decided that it is bullshit. My dumb boss was driving me crazy. I checked my bank account by logging into my bank's app. 163 dollars. My life was too dull and pointless at this point. After the "blip" everyone had to go through tough times. But a degree in Art History has never been this useless.

After losing my job; thanks to the intergalactic purple asshole, I ended up working at the local art supply store, Which was owned by the Gellers. They were nice people. Thanks to them, I was not starving. But I had this constant feeling of, this life not being enough. Now, more than ever, I wanted to be special. Wanted to belong. Maybe I was after the wrong pursuits. My phone started ringing, I was on my way home. I saw my mother's name on the screen, swiped to accept the call.

"Hi, sweetie!"

"Hey, mama. What's up?"

" Nothing, I was just going to say something."


"Can you get some fish on your way home? Your dad's craving for some fish."

"Yeah, sure."

"Ok, see ya."


I hung up the phone. Oh, just as if not having a decent job was not enough, I was living with my parents now. I turned left after signaling. Everything about this town made me want to vomit. The racist people. The misogynistic pigs. Everything. This place was hell for someone who left here 7 years ago just to be away. I missed bring in NYC but I could no longer afford being there. It was weird, when I came back from the "blip", I found myself on my bed, in the middle of two people having sex. My apartment room was rented to a couple. I didn't expect to be in that situation. It was interesting, to say the least. After being gone for years, I found everything but myself, changed. My parents were older, my sister was married. And my life had changed without me, making any of the decisions. I found myself in a life that was supposed to be mine. That's when I moved in with my parents and found this job back in my hometown.

I parked the car, and reached for my wallet. The weather was nice. I put some lipstick on. Fixed my dress, and walked towards the shore. I walked past some of the stands. The smell of dead fish was dominating the moist, hot weather. I heard someone say my name.

I looked around to see my mother's friend, Denise.

"Hi there." I said. She was standing with a gorgeous woman.

"Ayla, I haven't seen you since..."

"The blip?" I interrupted.

"I was gonna say; since you left for college, sugar."

"Oh yeah. How have you been? You haven't been in the blip, right?" I asked.

"Thankfully, no. I've seen your mother, devastated, though."

"It should've been hard for them." I said.

"Sarah, look, this is Ayla. Daughter of Linda and Dr. Orhan. She was gone for the past years. She was in the blip." She said out of the blue. It was not something I would mention, normally.

"Hi, nice to meet you. Sarah." She said by pointing at herself. She ignored the "blip" part.

"Is this yours?" I said. pointing at the boat that had the names; 'Paul & Darlene' on it.

"Yeah, it belongs to me and my brother; Sam." She said, casually.
"Did someone just mention this loser's name?" Someone said from behind. It was a guy, next to the guy; which I assumed, was Sarah's brother.

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