Chapter TEN

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Bucky and I were good. It had been months. He was to meet my parents soon. I just was not sure if they would leave him if they know what he had done. And I was not talking about his murderous past. I was talking about him, impregnating their daughter. I put the test down and called my sister.

"Alina, you have to help me." I said with a tone of frustration.

"what the fuck happened!"

"I'm pregnant."

"Fucking hell."

" Yup."

"Do you know the father?"


"Okay, we'll talk more when I get there."


We were sitting next to each other. My sister was furious. "How could you be so irresponsible?"

"I don't know Alina."

"Jesus. Is it the guy you were talking about?"

"Yes, it is."

"Does he know about the... situation?"


"Are you gonna tell him?"

"No, maybe. I don't know."



"Why are you so quiet?" asked Bucky.

"I don't know." I shrugged. I could not tell him what I've done. It would be something he'd be taking personal. We've had this conversation before and he told me that he feels like his "offspring" would be evil perhaps. Perhaps a part of the Winter Soldier would be there. He said. And I told him that was not possible. Now, with this move he'd be feeling down again. In that moment, I wished that I was better at hiding my emotions. The night was eventless. My parents had no problems with him, whatsoever.

Bucky and I went back to my place. As he tried to undress me I told him no.

"You've never said no to this before." He said, mockingly.

"Well, I'm tired."

"Did your parents say anything that would upset you?"

"No, It's not that."

"Okay. Whatever you want."

We went to sleep after that conversation. And never talked about it again.


"I'm gonna miss you." My mother said as I put the last box in the car.

I hugged her. I was on my way to NYC, to start living with Buck. My new job at the Smithsonian awaited. I was suspicious that Sam put a good word in. Hours flew by. I was excited to be living in NY again. And to be living with Bucky. He had become the most loving man. I got there just in time. He was waiting for me on the sidewalk. He hugged me. Tightly. "Welcome home." he said. "I missed you Ayla." he caressed my hair. Put a small kiss on my forehead.

"I missed you too, Grandpa."
"That's just creepy."

"Whatever you say, Grandpa."



"Will you marry me?"

"Wait, what?!"

"I said what I said."

"Bucky, you need to rest."

"Answer me, woman."

"That might have worked back in your day, but it won't work on me."

"You're the only one I've asked this to."

"I'll give you an answer,"


I ignored him and walked upstairs.

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