Chapter TWO

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A tall, brunette guy was standing next to the new Captain America. Did these people know who this guy was? How were they so calm about it? I know that he was Sarah's brother, but everybody else was so calm about the whole situation. I might have been gone for the past five years, but even I knew the new Cap. Maybe because he was culturally significant to me and my family, that was why having a black Captain America was important.

"Hi ,nice to meet you. Cap." Shook his hand. "My name is Ayla Aslan." I said.

"You can call me Sam. Beautiful name by the way. Where are you from Ayla?" He said, politely. As if he had the time to be interested in small people like me.

"I'm from here. Well, my mom is. I was born and raised here. My dad is Turkish."

"Maybe you know him Sammy. She is the daughter of Dr. Orhan and Linda from the end of the block." Denise said.

"Oh, the woman who makes those delicious pies?" He said. I nodded. "How nice." He added.

"Why don't you join us?" Sarah asked.

"Yes, definitely." Sam said.

"Sure, why not?" I said. I took my bag off and put it on the table. I had to be here. Who gets the chance to hang out with the cap, and turns it down? My mama would be so mad if she heard me, being rude to this kind gentleman who loves her pies. I had some questions for my mother. How could she not tell me that she knows the Captain?

"So, what do you do for a living?" Sam asked.

"I work at the Geller Art supplies right now." I said. I couldn't help but wonder how boring I was sounding. But contrary to my thoughts, they seemed interested. "I have a degree in Art History. But after the blip, I found myself here. Living with my parents, facing casual racism in my hometown."

"I feel you." He said. The brunette guy from earlier came back with some ired for trey.

"Anyone thirsty?" He said over his glasses. His arm caught my eye. I didn't want to stare. My mother would be furious. I got up to help him with the trey.

"Aww, you are such a sweetheart. But I'm sure Bucky can handle some iced tea." Sam said.

"Yeah, sit down." He said.

"I'm Ayla" I added to not be rude. "Bucky." he said and put his "normal" hand forward for me to shake. I shook his hand. I felt a little tingle. Maybe it was his mysterious appearance, or my urge to go for brunettes who have dangerous auras, or perhaps my body's reaction to not being close to a man since the blip. But I definitely felt something. I brushed the feeling off. He also looked baffled. Maybe I just wanted to see it that way. I caught Sarah and Sam looking at each other. Sarah cleared her throat. "Well, Sam, can you help me with the fish?" She asked. "Sure." he responded and then got up, followed Sarah towards the barbecue.

I pushed my braids away from my face. My arm touched his metal arm for a second there. I wondered if he felt that. That was silly. Of course he didn't. Silly Ayla. I couldn't find any words to speak. "So, I overheard your conversation with Sam, you're from here, right?"

"You heard right. What about you? Where me you from?"

He smirked. "Here and there."

"Are you visiting?"


"Since Ayla is from here, maybe she can show you around." Sam said.

"I wouldn't want to burden her with my company." Bucky said. He was speaking as if he was from another time.

"No way, she would love to." Denise said.

"Sure, I'd like that." I said.

"It's a date then." Sam said.

Bucky rolled his eyes at him.

"Maybe you can convince him to stay longer." Sarah added from afar.

Bucky rolled his eyes again. I was kind of offended. "I don't think Bucky wants to do that." I said. Got my purse. He did not say anything. I was furious, tears were about to come down. I was feeling rejected by a men I didn't even realy want. "I should get going." I said, got my car keys.

"No, stay." Sam said.

"My folks are waiting for me." I said. "See you guys later..." I said. Wasn't sure if that was possible. But I didn't want to be a dick. I heard a quiet "Bye" from behind. I walked towards a fish stand. I thought I was far away, but I was hearing them.

"If you don't go out with her, I will." Sam said.

"Be my guest. You know I'm not in the right headspace right now."

"And If we leave it up to you, you never will be."



I wondered what Sam meant by that.

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