Chapter FIVE

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I kissed him. He was expecting it, we both Kept it innocent at first, but it got deeper. And deeper. I felt his hands going up to my sides. My hands were resting on his chest. He was muscular. I gripped his shirt. His metal arm went around my neck and I felt his cold fingers going into my hair. Some guy's whistle made us stop.

"I want to take you home."

"My parents are at my place."

"Okay, Sam won't mind."

"Sarah might."

He put his hands on my shoulders. We were both out of breath. We weren't thinking straight. We got into my car, and some more steamy kissing sessions followed. We drove to Sam and Sarah's property. I shut the motor down. "I can't believe this." I said.

"I don't do this on a first date normally, not that it is wrong. But, i don't know."

"I'm sorry if I made you feel bad."

"No you didn't. I'm feeling great."

"You should. You are a great kisser. And way out of my league."

I was embarassed. He gave me one more kiss, and stopped. Took his hands away.

"I'm sorry for not having anywhere to go to."  He said.

"Hey, you're not the one who lives with their parents." I Said and added: " I didn't think you wanted to hang out."

"Look, I don't know how many more times I can apologize for being a huge asshole."

We looked at each other. Spent the whole night, talking. He told me about his past, which, to be honest sounded too crazy to be true. I told him about my family, my life and how I felt during the blip.

"Do you know what's crazy?" He said.


"Getting this time, with you. I didn't think that I could feel normal again. Or that I would get the chance to kiss a pretty girl again. You are lucky in away. You weren't here during the blip. I think it is a blessing. Not missing, but being missed. Because staying behind, is always harder."

"Bucky" We both heard Sam. "We have to go."

"What's happening?"

"We have to go deal with something."

"Can you give us a moment?" Bucky said to Sam.

"Yeah. Sure."

As Sam left us alone I felt as if we wasted something that we haven't even started yet. Bucky looked at me as if he was apologizing.

" I'll see you around." I said. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something.

"I certainly hope so." He said. I got in the car. And just left. This is the end I guess. Another failed attempt at romance by my part. I turned the radio on to distract myself. That's when I heard the news, they were looking for him.

Bucky Barnes, also known as the "Winter Soldier" is wanted in all fifty states. He is a public enemy, and every U.S. citizen is advised to stay away from him, people who work with or for him will recieve criminal treatment.

I didn't know what to fool or whom to believe. What kind of a mess was I involved in?

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