Chapter TWELVE

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I was ready to face the music. I was ready for the consequences of what I've done. When I opened my eyes, I saw a girl, around my age. "Hi, I'm Shuri." She said. She had an accent that I've never heard before. " Ayla." I said.

"Ayla, do you know what happened? Do you remember?"

"Only some bits."

"Alright, we'll get back to that. Let's get you back to 100% first."

I was feeling pretty good, considering my situation. I wasn't sure if the serum's efforts would be permanent or temporary. But at that moment, I was amazing. Operating at 100% for sure.

"Have you heard from Bucky?" I asked.

"No, sorry." She replied.

I was about to lose my mind. After a few days in Wakanda, without a word from Bucky or Sam for that matter, I was losing it. I wanted to do something. But I did not have many options. I was into the Wakandan lifestyle. Everyone here was so stylish and fit. Their artworks were exquisite. I could have enjoyed being here if I was not constantly worried about Bucky. Weeks passed, and finally he came back in a pretty rough shape. He was awake when he arrived, and when he saw me, he closed his eyes as if he was waiting for that.

Sam was also around. Still hadn't asked me my questions about the super serum. Or where I've got it from. I was always with Bucky. They took his arm off during his time in the ICU. He had never looked that vulnerable before. I waited patiently for him to wake up. And he did, thankfully.


"Bucky, shh, preserve your energy."

"I want your answer." Even during a time like this, he was thinking of me.

"We have so much to talk about." I said. And left it at that.

"What do you mean?"
"What I mean is that I've stolen Something from Sam's office months age, and I've I've kept it since the attack or whatever this was. During the "Attack" I shot myself with the super soldier serum, because I knew I had to defend myself. And I am aware of how stupid and irresponsible this action was. But I just did it."

He looked as if he was trying to comprehend the whole thing. "Why did you take it in the first place?"

"I don't know, I was feeling mely, I was at Sarah's, I woke up in the middle of the night, was wandering around the house, then I saw this. I did not know what It was at the beginning, I did some research and decided to keep it. I know how wrong this is. I just thought I'd never see you again, I wanted a souvenir. I wanted to be special."

"This is exactly why not everyone is special." He said calmly.


" How many did you take? From the office, I mean."

"There was only one."

"Okay, here is what we're going to do; I'm going to tell everyone that you were injected by someone else. I don't want Sam to know this. Then, we'll make sure that you're okay."

I nodded yes. I was feeling extremely guilty at that moment.

"And I'll move out," he said. I felt as if someone had punched me in the stomach.

"Is this, like a break? Or a breakup?" I asked. My voice was shaking.

"I don't know. I just need some time off."

"From me?"

"From this situation." He wasn't looking at me. Maybe he could not bear looking at me right now. I wanted him to look at me.

"I don't want you to talk about this to Sam. You'll just have to live with this." he added.

"Why are you punishing me?" I asked. I felt like a child, with nothing to do. Desperate.

"Ayla, I want to rest." he said. His voice was blunt when he said my name.

I got out of the room with tears in my eyes. I wanted to get back to NY as soon as I could. I wanted to take him with me, and lock him in the apartment. I'd fight him if I had to. I could do that now. Right.

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