Chapter EIGHT

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The only good outcome of the whole mess with Bucky was, Sarah's friendship. I was grateful for that. I was starting a new job and was ready to move out of my parents' house, with the help of Sarah. There was an opening at the local elementary school and I was going to teach art. I wasn't sure how I got the job but my mother was a resourceful woman. I did not know much about making art, but I was willing to try. On the day of my move, Sam came to help. I was still shocked. Captain America was helping me move. Well, he was helping the public in another way.

"Where do you want these?" Sam asked, carrying a box. I showed him to the spot. After finishing the move, we got drunk with cheap beer. And started rambling.

"Bucky asks about you." He said.

"See, Sam, do you know what I don't understand?" I took a sip from my beer. "This." I pointed at him. "why is captain America in my living room, helping me move?"

"I thought we were friends."

"We are, I just don't understand What it is exactly that I'm offering to people."

"You are easy to talk to. When you are not self depricating."

"That is half of the charm."

"Maybe. But Ayla, you are a great friend to have. I'd ask you out if this thing with Bucky wasn't out there. You are gorgeous."

I couldn't help but play with my hair, which was a nervous tick for me. I was smelly and probably looking tired, and he was complimenting me. I had to believe him.

"Well, the problem is; I don't understand the exact status of our "thing" with Bucky." I said. He was sitting up straight now. "It would be weird if we kissed right now, right?" I asked. I was curious. And any girl would do the some if they had the chance to kiss Captain America.

"Yes, very." he replied, but he got closer. we almost kissed, but halfway there, we both realized how stupid it would be to act on a whim.

"I should set you up with one of my friends." I said.

"That never ends well. Does it?" He asked, implying me and Bucky.

"I guess not."

We both got startled when we heard Someone clearing their throat at my half open door. "Hey you guys, sorry to interrupt, but we need to leave, Sam." Sarah said.

"Did the boys get back?" Sam asked, meaning his nephews.

Sarah nodded.

"Alright, then we must leave." Sam said. After saying goodbye, they left me alone with lots of boxes and baggage to unpack. I kept thinking about him. Bucky. Why was it So hard for me to be with him? Perhaps it was the fact that he was, at some point, a cold hearted assassin, a spy. Perhaps It was the fact that, in the grand scheme of things, I meant nothing.

I found my most prized possession. AKA the rabbit. I was going to have some fun with the memories we made so far. Especially that night. I wondered if he was also thinking about me in any way. The best part of living alone was this. Having fun whenever I want. God, It had been long since I last had actual fun.

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