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Viktor threw a ball in the air, catching it just a second later. He was in Zak and Wilbur's room, the boy laying on Wilbur's old bed. Zak sat in his own, a book in his hands. He had his glasses on, only having them when he had to read something. "Yo Zak?"

"Hm?" Zak hummed, not looking up from his book as he grabbed his glass. He took a sip as Viktor spoke. "Have you ever tried flying on your own?" He asked suddenly. Zak's eyes widened as he spit his drink back into his cup, coughing. "W-What?" He asked in shock. Viktor looked over at him. "Have you tried flying on your own?" He asked again as he sat up.

"U-Uh..." Zak trailed off. Viktor noticed this quickly. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said anything." He said softly. He knew Zak's wings was a very touchy subject for the male. "N-No, no it's okay. You were curious." He said as he slowly closed his book, putting it down. "To answer your question, no. I have not." He said honestly. Viktor looked at him, tilting his head.

"Why not?" He asked, confused. Zak sighed as he leaned back slightly. "Because I'm terrified to. I'm terrified that it won't work and I'll just fall and, die..." He responded. Viktor sat up. "Well you won't know unless you try." He said softly. Zak sighed. "I'd rather not.." He said as he looked back down at his book. Then he took a deep breath before taking his glasses off.

"I'm going to go to the market. Would you like to come?"

Viktor shook his head. "Nah, Swan and I are going to the flower fields. He wants to try and catch ladybugs for his collection." He said as he hopped off the bed. Zak nodded as he reached over to ruffle his hair softly. "Please make sure you stick together, okay?" He said. Viktor swatted his hand away softly. "Yeah yeah. You know we will."

Zak smiled before he went to grab a bag to store anything he bought before putting on a coat. "Isn't that Wilbur's coat?" Viktor asked. "It's actually our father's. He left it down with Wilbur but, I borrow it every once and a while." He said softly. Viktor nodded. "It suits you. Will should let you keep it." He said as he put his shoes on. Zak smiled. "You think so?"

"Yes. It looks better on you then that prick."

Zak laughed at his comment. "I'm honored then." He said as he put his shoes on. "You're coming back tonight?" He asked as Viktor closed the door behind them. "Yeah, I should be back. I think Swan will be staying as well. His dad's been getting worse." Zak sighed quietly. "Of course he is..."

As he said that, he looked up to see Swan running up to them. "Hey guys!" He said happily. Zak smiled and waved. "Hi Swan. I guess this is where we part ways hm?" He asked. Viktor nodded. "We'll see you tonight okay?" He said. Zak nodded. "Stay safe you two!!" He yelled as the kids ran off.


Zak looked through the market, his wings tucked close to his body out of the way. He looked around at the different stalls and shops as he sighed softly. He made it to the stall where he and Wilbur got their Mooncatcher. He looked at the different ones as he held up a wind chime. "You into this kind of stuff?"

"Yeah. My father got us one a couple years ago." He said as he turned towards the voice. Then his eyes widened. "Wait, you're Star right?" He asked. The boy's eyes widened as he chuckled. "Oh hey! Didn't even recognize you!" He said softly. Zak smiled softly as he held his bag close to him.

"Do you work here?" He asked as he looked around the stand. "No, my grandma owns it. I just hang around sometimes." He said, motioning to the smaller old woman making the chimes. "Its apart of her culture so she wanted to spread them to the world, since her culture isn't very heard of." Star explained.

"Well they're very beautiful. I love the one that we have at home." He said, carefully holding one of the catchers. Star watched him as he smiled. "Are you doing anything right now?" He asked. Zak glanced over at him, surprised. "Not particularly. Why?" He asked. Star smiled slightly. "Well my friends and I were gonna go hang by the waterfall and watch the mermaids. Would you want to come with us?" He asked. Zak glanced towards the forest where his house resided. "Uh..." He trailed off. Star noticed his gauze turned away.

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