Chapter 8

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It's been a month since we have a trip in the Philippines, and I must say it was really fun but then again me and Suzy got into a huge fight. She keeps on glaring at me everytime I'm around her and Myungsoo Oppa. I just hurriedly went away so that she will not pull my hair off again, it hurts you know.

I don't hangout anymore with Myungsoo Oppa but with his friends only especially Woohyun Oppa. He's a good Oppa to me. He's always there by my side and I can lean on him unlike Myungsoo, my bestfriend he's just beside his girlfriend Suzy all the time. But, It's fine because they are couples. Couples are meant to stick together and forever (if they will not break or split).

So, Sunday Morning.. rain is falling. That's a song I know. But, it's really happening. It's raining well it's already the start of the rainy season, I guess. I decided to texted my new best-girl-friend, Jiyeon to come here to hangout. But, she said her parents won't allow her to be out because of the rain. So, I just lie down here on my bed, stating at the ceiling doing nothing but breathing and blinking.

Then....suddenly there's a ring of the bell. I immediately went down to open it because maybe it's my parents(that went to France last month) or my grandma (that is from Busan to visit me).

I opened it and gasp. I immediately hugged the 2 person in the door, they hugged me back as well. I missed them very much though 1 month is not that long. I look at my parents happily like a kid, waiting for them to give me a gift or souveneir from France, the city of love. I wanted to join them there but they won't let me cause they said it will be there second honeymoon and as a good child/daughter I am I just stay here and also if I joined them I won't be able to went to the Philippines.

We sit on the couch in the living room and talk, chit-chat about the happenings this past month. I told them about my trip in the Philippines and I also teach them a few words I learned like, 'Mabuhay', 'Kamusta?', 'Mahal Kita'. They also did the same. They also taught me french words.

After the long chatting we decided to eat lunch outside since they said our family needs to meet important people. I supposed it's their business partners or clients.

I went upstairs with a dress that my mom bought from France. She wants me to wear dress, but me a kinda boyish person don't want to, but she's my mom so I better obey her because 'Mothers knows best!'


We are now in the meeting place which is a famous restaurant here in Seoul. When we went inside I noticed the backs of their business partners their's a guy that is like a high schooler like me ( Ps. He also looks like Myungsoo Oppa), there's also 2 middle-age couple like my parents beside him. My parents called them and they stand up to greet us.

I blinked as I saw Mr. and Mrs. Kim with their son, no other than, Myungsoo Oppa.

"So, yeah. Jieun-ah. Meet Mr. and Mrs. Kim, but I know you already know them and Myungsoo-ah. They are our new business partners." my dad said with a smile.

I just nodded and greeted them. We sit and they discuss business while me and oppa just eat our foods. I don't know what's the point of me and oppa being here if they are just the one talking to theirselves and not letting us join.

After an hour of discussing they finally make us join their discussion.

"Jieun-ah, Myungsoo-ah. You know we are business partners now right?" Mr. Kim started

We nodded.

"We also wanted to merge our two companies. Well, we know you already know this cuz both of you are teenagers. You heard many of this stories everywhere." My mom continued.

We just looked at each other, asking each other on what they are talking about. We looked at them with a confused look.

"So, we want you two get married immediately so that Kim and Lee business will merge." Mrs. Kim said happily.

We just look at them with our widen eyes and mouth open. We stay in that position for a few seconds.

"WHAT?!" we finally said.

What? Did I heard it right? Me and Myungsoo Oppa will be getting married? What about Suzy and him? Suzy will be more mad at me now that I literally stole Myungsoo from her.

"But- eomma, appa. I have a girlfriend that i deeply love and want to be with for the rest of my life." Myungsoo Oppa said.

"And we're too young to be married!" I retorted as well.

"We don't care, we love it!~" my dad said with a tone.

"Our decision is final you and him will be married." Mr. Kim said.

I looked at Myungsoo Oppa who was very angry at that time. I don't know that he hates me that much to be angry. He should be happy because I'm his wife not any other girl there. But, I think he wilk be more happier if it's Suzy, his one and only forever love.

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