Chapter 3

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"Jieun, I'm going to get your breakfast. So rest first." Myungsoo said

Jieun nodded. Myungsoo and her mom go out.

After a minute the Myungsoo came back with a tray of foods.

"Jieun, here's your food" Myungsoo said and smiled.

Myungsoo set down the tray to Jieun's lap.

Jieun then noticed a bandage around Myungsoo's hand.

"What happened to your hand?" Jieun asked while holding his bandaged hand.

"Umm..I kinda punch the window of the room so that we can go out." Myungsoo replied.

"Aishh, you don't need to that just for me. Look you hurt your precious hand." Jieun said feeling guilty

"Don't worry, I'm fine" Myungsoo said and smiled at her.

"Eat now" Myungsoo said

"Okay" Jieun said and started to eat

After eating Myungsoo send Jieun home, since it's Saturday so there's no class.


Monday came.

Jieun is at the classroom waiting for her teacher to came. The first period is music her favorite odmf all subject. She likes to write songs to express her feelings and she made one song in just a few minutes.

Myungsoo and Suzy are already inside, chatting and laughing.

After half an hour the teacher finally came.

"Good Morning, class" Mr. Do, the music teacher said

"Good Morning, Mr. Do" the class chorused

"So,one by one will be called and will sing on front" Mr. Do instructed the class.

"Okay, first will be Kim Myungsoo" Mr. Do said and Myungsoo go in front and sing.

He goes in front and sing.

I always used to be unstoppable
But little by little, I am getting cautious
On the outside, I pretend to not have interest

I pretend to be a cold city man

With efforts to turn away and with strange words, I met you
This isn’t a movie, I’m not that guy from that drama

Now, I can’t treat you differently from how I feel
I like you, will you please listen to my honest heart?

Shall we date?
I was single for such a long time, that I might be bad at dating
But, more than your ex-boyfriend,
More than any guy that you’ve met
I will love you the most
Shall we date?

While I was hesitating, there were so many other guys
Looking at you with great interest and treating you nice
I think I’ll go crazy

I wondered if maybe I should just turn away but no I can’t
That’s not being a man if I just turn away like this

Shall we kiss?
I want to tell you sweet words like “I love you” every day
I need to be a man of courage
I really want you
Will you stay by my side?

I don’t think it’s because I didn’t have time or my standards are high
I have waited alone for a long time
To become a prisoner of a woman, who I don’t even know
I am telling you that woman is you
Can I tell you what I told you before again?

Shall we kiss?
I want to tell you sweet words like “I love you” every day
I need to be a man of courage
I really want you
Will you stay by my side?
Shall we date?

Singing it while looking at Suzy. Suzy just smiled at him.

The class applauded.

"Very good, Kim Myungsoo" Mr. Do said

"Next, Lee Jieun" Mr. Do said

Jieun go in front and took a deep breath and sing.

I hope this tears will stop running someday
Someday after this darkness clear up
I hope the warm sunshine dries these tears
When I feel that I’m getting tired of looking me exhausted,
I want to give all my dreams I’ve kept hard
Every time I feel that I’m lacking in many things more than I have
I lost strength in my legs and drop down
I hope this tears will stop running someday

Someday after this darkness clear up
I hope the warm sunshine dries these tears
Everyday I hold out comforting myself “it’ll be alright”
But it makes me afraid little by little
I tell myself to believe in myself, but I don’t
Now I don’t know how longer I can hold out
But wait it’ll come
Although the night is long, the sun comes up

Someday my painful heart will get well
I hope it helps me now.
I hope the God will help me
I don’t have enough confidence more and more to overcome myself
I hope this tears will stop running someday

Someday after this darkness clear up
I hope the warm sunshine dries these tears
But wait it’ll come
Although the night is long, the sun comes up

Someday my painful heart will get well

Someday… Someday…

She sings it while looking at Myungsoo. She didn't notice that she's crying when singing it.

After singing, the whole class were speachless even Mr. Do because she sang it with all her heart.

"Wow! Jieun amazing!" Mr. Do said


Kring~Kring~ the school bell rang means it's time for the 2nd period which is P.E

The class go out of the classroom to change in the shower room.

After changing into a P.E uniform the class go to the gym to play.

" Okay, class we will play throwing ball. In this game there are 2 groups and each group has a chance to throw ball into the other group, and the other group should not be hit, when they got hit they will be out" Ms. Song said

The game went on and on and now the group that will be hit is the group of Jieun. Jieun doesn't know how to play it so when someone throw the ball to her direction she don't know what to do, so she got hit and soon Jieun fainted due to hitting.

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