Chapter 4

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Our alliance did not begin well. Even though we talked for a good two hours afterward...the bickering, the back-and-forth, continued. With Tamlin there, nobody would declare what numbers they had, what weapons, what weaknesses. As the afternoon slipped into evening, Thesan pushed back his chair. "You are all welcome to stay the night and resume this discussion in the morning-unless you wish to return to your own homes for the evening."

"We're staying", Rhysand said. The others seemed to have similar thoughts, for all decided to stay. Even Tamlin.

We show them toward the suites appointed for them-the sunstone turning a deep gold in the late-afternoon sun. Tamlin was escorted away first, by Thesan and a trembling attendant. Then Tarquin was led out, then Helion. Until only Kallias's party and Rhysand's waited. I stayed behind to escort them.

"That went well. It would seem none of us won our bet about who'd fight first." Rhysand says.

Azriel stared at the floor, stone-faced. "Sorry." He had not spoken, had barely moved, since his savage attack. It had taken Mor thirty minutes after it to stop shaking.

"Don't worry about it. I bet on you guys. Soteria now has to cover training the younglings." I say.

"Who's Soteria?" Feyre asks.

"Oh, he's Thesan's mate. I'm sure you saw him, big dude, wings, captain of the peregryns." I reply.

"Autumn had it coming," Viviane said. "Eris is a piece of shit."

Kallias turned to his mate with high brows. "What?" She put a hand on her chest. "He is."

"Be that as it may," Kallias said with cool humor, "the question remains about whether Beron will fight with us."

"If all the others are allying," Mor said hoarsely, her first words in hours, "Beron will join. He's too smart to risk siding with Hybern and losing. And I'm sure if things go badly, he'll easily switch over."

Rhys nodded, but faced Kallias. "How many troops do you have?"

"Not enough. Amarantha did her job well. We've got the army that Viv commanded and hid, but not much else. You?"

"We have sizable forces. Mostly Illyrian legions. And a few thousand Darkbringers. But we'll need every soldier who can march." Rhysand replies.

Viviane walked to where Mor remained seated, still pale, and braced her hands on my friend's shoulders. "I always knew we'd fight along-side each other one day."

Mor dragged her brown eyes up. But she glanced toward Kallias, who seemed to be trying his best not to appear worried. Mor gave the High Lord a look as if to say I'll take care of her before she smiled at Viviane. "It's almost enough to make me feel bad for Hybern."

"Almost." Viviane grinned wickedly. "But not quite."

I led them to a suite built around a lavish sitting area and private dining room. All of it carved from that sunstone, bedecked in jewel- toned fabrics, broad cushions clumped along the thick carpets, and over- looked by ornate golden cages filled with birds of all shapes and sizes. There were peacocks parading about the countless courtyards and gardens as we'd walked through Thesan's home, some preening in the shade beneath potted fig trees. Once I took them there, I left to my rooms.


Thesan was the only person who bothered to greet the Night Court when they passed through that wisteria-draped archway, but he took one look at their attire, their faces, and muttered a prayer to the Cauldron. Soteria, clad in his captain's armor once more, sized them up, his wings flaring slightly, but kept seated with the other Peregryns.

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