Part 2- Second Story, Second Fail

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Just let you know, some of these things don't exactly apply to me... (gotta have some creativeness you know?) but a lot is somewhat similar to my experiences.... kinda sorta-ish... uh...



Part 2- Second Story, Second Fail

Okay first story, not as big of a success as you hoped. So you decide to go with the next story idea lingering in your mind.  Your hopes from you last story are now transferred to the new story. "Okay, my last story was stupid. This will bring me to writing stardom!" You stay up until 1 am to get the story done. It only got a little slopy near the end (that's just slight understatment). You go thought the standard cover picking process once again complete with the perfectionist editing. Uploaded at two in the morning, your story is ready to go. You want to stay up until you get some reads, but you think if you look at you laptop for another second your eyes will explode.

6 am is when you get up, eager to check you story out, even if it is an ungodly hour for a Saturday morning. You have this huge feeling of anticipation. Boot up the computer, just to be depressed by seeing a big, fat, ugly, hope and dream destroying, zero. Zero reads. Why did you get up again?

Trying to keep your spirits up, you write the second chapter. It might not be totally as interesting as the last chapter, but it's something (more or less...). Maybe the upload will attract attention to the first part. After clicking the publish button, you see a comment after five minutes. A comment?! Holy crap. You scroll down the page to view the comment. It's written by your favorite author on the site.  Double holy crap. You think how this could get any better, until you read the comment. "..." WHAT?! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THESE THREE DOTS?! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE?! You wonder how all you hard work only earns you three dots.

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