Part 12 1/2- I Need Ideas!

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  • Gewidmet Anyone bothering to read this!

Hello person (or alien) who is reading this! Presumably you have read the parts before this so you will be able to understand this. Firstly, thanks for wasting precious moments of your life reading this because I had to spend mine writing it. Secondly if you voted thanks a zillion and if you didn't at least you're reading this (there's still time to... [joking, joking {maybe <once again joking because I can't fit more brackets>}]). 

If you read the title, you'll know that I need ideas (made you look at the title didn't I). Some awesome people already have but I have one problem... I have no idea what the heck you're talking about. Okay, much love to the people who did give ideas, but I don't crack codes for the FBI, so if things could be stated clearer...

As well, most of the (very very) little amount of idea submitted are about plagiarism. Okay, the failed person can copy things once or twice, but no (some what) sane person is going to keep doing it for like five million  and two times. 

Also, this whole story was only going to be three parts, so yea... I was nice and wrote more. So return the favour, give me cookies (actually ideas will work just fine...).

Merci! (This is so long!)


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