Part 13- Title Below Because it Was Too Long Too Put Here...

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Part 13- When in Doubt, Write Something Random and Hope People Find a Deeper Meaning in It

Your story is going so well, even after the propaganda incident (in retrospect even you admit that was stupid, you hate when that happens...). You have written about the whole story, when it hits you, what are you going to write next. How does this story even end? you think. Your mind lingers...

They're really aliens! -no.

They all die because of a poisonous disease cause by synthetic cheese! -uh, what?

He's really a vampire-werewolf in disguise trying to change her over so she can be with him for eternity! -didn't you already go over this?

The story is so amazing it doesn't deserve a bad ending- that would be more evil than synthetic cheese causing deadly diseases (you think/believe/hope). So what do you do when your out of ideas? Call the mothership and tell them to take you away from your misery? You think it might just be an easier idea to ask someone. And who better than your writer friends online.

Did you know that it's really hard to understand things when they have bad grammar/spelling and nonsensical/irrelevant content? While whoop-de-do now you know. How do you think your dreams of becoming secret agent/ninja will work if you can't ever decipher things written by sane people (at least that's what they say...)?! You try to re-read one suggestion:

Hey like da storyyy so cool soo you can like have him like go to this place and be all like heyyy to her and just be formally awesomess cheese disease because of synthetic-ness :D

You think at least someone likes stories involving cheese-related diseases. But you can't even begin to wonder what the heck the person was trying so say. You know maybe have to defend yourself in this vast writing world and come up with your own ideas that will blow-up peoples minds.


You read over the chapter you just wrote:

Chapter 77

He looked at me and said "The synthetic cheese did this because I am really a vampire-werewolf trying to change you so you can be with me for all eternity!"

I cried "You lied!" very very loudly.

"Yes, yes I did," he screamed even thought he was supposed be dying because of a cheese-related disease.

"Oh and I'm an alien BTW."

"What's 'BTW'?" he said. I just pushed him off the building and left.


To be honest you don't even know what just happened. Oh well at least you just finished a story! (you think/believe/hope).


Hi. Sorry if that was incredibly random and did not make any sense. I was just like "I haven't posted anything lately so I'll do something." And this is the random result. 

Thanks to DullyBeautiful04 (again?!) for the writer's block idea. You're awesome and I might even have to give you a cookie for being so epic. 

I'm going to edit this whole thing hopefully soon so you don't have to be an agent/ninja to actually understand this...

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