Part 14- Once Again the Title Was Too Long...

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You thought I was abducted by aliens didn't you? Well you are wrong. I was just busy (lazy). But I'm back (shrill screams of terror). Enjoy. Hope it's as good as before and such. I'm probably going to end this soon because there IS such thing as too much of a moderately okay thing. So if anyone has any grand finale idea, please share. And if I ever get to writing the end, I will try to make it something you will forget (yes I realize there is no not). PS this might look familar (the poem)and  if you are smart enough to figure out where it was from I'll give you a mental high-five.



Part 14- Some People are Good at Writing Poetry About Failure- You're Not One Of Them

You're trying to cheer yourself up by reading about other people's failures. Yea, it's not working. Turns out that many people are amazing at turning failure stories into successes. They have such a poetic way of writing that can make you feel bad about their lives just because their text messaging was limited to a thousand texts per month.

Honestly, if some lame person can write poetry, you can definitely write something that will touch the heart of at least one person. No, you can't! haven't you learned already! YOU SUCK AT WRITING AND WILL NEVER IN YOUR LIFE HAVE A CHANCE AT A CAREER IN WRITING SO GO AND GET A LIFE AND I CAN MAKE YOU DO THAT BECAUSE I AM THE WRITER OF THIS STORY ABOUT FAILING AT WRITING! 

You start typing up the poem.

You now like to rhyme all the time. You wrote something partially good, and people voting, they should. 

You know that just because something has rhyming words it doesn't make it a poem right?

You re-read the thing you think is amazing.

Starting is always easy

Finishing is not

But continue forward

Never forget about how much you already fought 

This writing world is never fair

It's wrong, messed up

People fan others 

Just because their profile says 'sup

You might be amazing

Your writing a true gem

But people do not care 

Because it's not written by one of 'them'

Your left in a rut,

You have no idea of what to do

Until you get a positive comment

From a profile picture of a high-top shoe

Votes and comments start coming in

The word starts to spread

You works are called amazing

To writing stardom your lead

Why do you think that a giant fail, like toi, would be good at writing about success? Oh, let me guess. You didn't think did you?! You just want to get votes and be popular. You know what we all want to. Yes, you go cry in the corner.

You wonder why you are the creation of a horrible writer. Hey you know I heard that.

You're getting tired of being judged so you go and look at how many votes you got. You see zero, but you're used to it. You press refresh and see that YOU actually have a vote!

"Omg soo good i can totally relate to it and good rhyming btw :D" lies at the bottom of the page.

You know that the writer is listening so you don't get excited about it and delete the story. 

Story of a Failed WriterWhere stories live. Discover now