Part 10- Chain Fail

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OMG!! This has over 50 votes! Thank you all people (even if you didn't vote).

This part is dedicated to Aylse (xoAllieox) for being awesome at writing and getting annoying songs stuck in my head and letting me steal your phone. <3



Part 10- Chain Fail

Not failing at something feels good. But you know that it won't last (do all good things have to come to an end???)

No, you can't just stay a non-failure for one little day. You have to go out and screw it all up.

Check mail. 10 letters, all spam. Why can't the computer fail at sending ugly spam-stuff. And then you see it. The glorious e-mail not sent by a company or people who want to hack you computer. It is from your friend (more like distant acquaintance). When you see it you notice that it is just one of those evil, inbox-filling, lying, annoying, little-kiddish, pointless chain mails. You haven't gotten one of those for years.

You skim over it for fun. It's one of those really deep things written by people who really aren't deep and just like pretending to be deep to get people's attention but then end up writing something actually deep and everyone thinks they're all awesome now. Yea, one of those. But you think the main reason people forwarded it was because it says at the bottom "Forward this or die".

What if... You know whenever you say that you next stupid idea has already registered in your mind. Hmm... This is looking A LOT like the copy and paste act. But is a damn chain mail. No one with a life actually reads those things *cough* you *cough*. And people these days always seem to go gaga over those types of things.

Ha. Ha. Ha. It's up. Online. On your profile. No, you're not a stupid failure.

People do go gaga over it. Vote. Votes. More votes. And the people who accuse you of riping it off a chain mail, well you just delete their comments.

Until someone decides to press the big shiny report button. Yay! Apparently the chain mail you ripped off was under the copyright laws of blah-de-blah-de-blah. Did you know that the people who run this site have the power to close down your account and make sure you never make a new one? Well they do and now you know!

F-A-I-L. What's that spell? Fail! FAIL! You fail!

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