Betrayal and suspicion

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Kirishima's pov:

Standing on the sea deck, I stand in waiting for signs of a ship that had been sighted, we have to dispose of it immediately, ensuring everyone's safety. My red hair is actually dyed, originally it is my mother's colour, black, but my father forced me to dye it to look like his.

Despite it being a warm day, I am wearing a silk red shirt, white jacket with gold encrusted buttons, white trousers and a red belt, from which hangs my sword. The design of the sword is intricate and laced with gold and other jewels.

My family and crew are all dressed almost uniformly, however, my family get the red silk shirts, the other crew get black silk shirts. That is the difference.

Harsh waves crash down around us, causing the ship to rock a little as we look out at the horizon, the blinding sun in our eyes as we do so. The giant orb of yellow that sits in the clouds, high in the sky, is our main source of light, the only other option being candles.

Our ship is big and grand, having a room for each member and a prison for any captures we might make. If we manage to take down the ship we're looking for, the crew will go in there, however, the captain of the ship is usually killed, but sometimes we just lock them up.

Massive sails hang above my head, as I am stood beneath them, talking to my mother and father about the details of the enemy ship. My father hands me a peice of parchment, telling me to read the description of the captin.


Captain Bakugou:

The captain has blonde hair, red eyes and is usually accompanied by a girl with pink hair, tanned skin and yellow eyes. His first name is unknown and anyone who has ever set out to find him couldn't or never returned. This is a suicide mission and I wish you the best of luck if you ever face this fearsome captain. He is stronger than he looks and will take you down himself if needed.

His mother and father are very famous pirates and highly wanted for the crimes they have committed. Mitsuki bakugou and masaru bakugou own a ship and lice on it with their crew, it's a small crew, like their son's, but this is because they kill members of their crew and only keep their 'main members'. Their son is much alike them, but don't underestimate him on how many men he has, he is incredibly strong.

The ship is marked by a black sail with a red cross on it.

Good luck.


Looking up at my father, I nod and pass him the peice of parchment. He takes it "He's dangerous."

I nod "I understand."

He nods and my mother looks at me, then her eyes widen "They're here."

Turning quickly around, I face the ship coming towards us, it is slightly smaller, but has the black flag and red cross as it's signature sail. The crew brace themselves as the ship comes closer, knowing these pirates show no mercy.

A blonde boy emerges, looks around my age actually. He swings onto my boat and takes out a sword, starting us down. His blood red eyes burn through my soul and just with a solid death glare, I feel my soul leaving my body. But I quickly pull out my sword and his crew jump on ship and start a fight on our deck, pirates and noblemen jumping onto the opposite ship and fighting on each deck.

Somehow, I end up with another ship mate on the opposite ship, fighting off the captain and first mate. The sound of swords clashing together is overwhelmingly loud and becomes ringing in my ear. Then I hear a thump. My ship mate falls to the deck, bleeding out and the sound of my ship leaving, I start to panic. They left me to die.

Starting to get backed into a corner, I try to keep the crew members off of me, but it doesn't work as I eventually give up and drop my sword, raising the both of my hands in surrender.

Quickly, the captain takes my sword and passes it to his first mate. Then he looks me up and down.

He snickers "You're a kirishima."

Kirishima: "I-"

He glares at me and raises his voice "Did I give you permission to speak?"

I shake my head and close my mouth, he smirks "I could kill you right now. But I think I'd rather torture you instead."

~772 words~

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