A Kirishima On Board

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Bakugou's pov:

Looking at the shape of the boy, I am surprised he gave up. He is in a good shape, I was almost certain I'd have to kill him to win, but I guess not. Stepping forwards, my heavy boots thump on the wood of the deck, creating an echo it was loud enough and the crew remain silent.

Bakugou: "Mina. Give the sword to sero and take him to my room. Here."

I hand her some rope and she nods, taking him by the arm and dragging him to my room. Then I turn to the crew members "Sero, sato and kaminari. Go to your usual stations and sero, take a look at that for me."

They all nod "Yes captain."

Then they disappear off of my deck and slowly I send each crew member to do something on board the ship.

After everyone is where they should be, I walk down to my room and swing open the door, closing it again behind me. Walking inside, I take off my sword and case, attached to my belt, putting them on my desk.

Mina: "Captain? Shall I go or stay?"

Bakugou: "Stay."

Mina nods "Yes captain."

She steps back and I see a struggling kirishima, his hands tied high above his head and feet frantically thrashing, making me giggle slightly in amusement. Then I hold down his legs and he looks at me, furious.

Bakugou: "You're not going to get loose, why are you even trying?"

Kirishima: "This is just rude."

Bakugou: "Oh, I see. Fancy pants."

Kirishima growls and thrashes a little more.

Bakugou: "Stay still."

I say in a stern voice and his eyes widen as he immediately stops moving. Smirking slightly, I look at the clothes he's wearing.

Bakugou: "Get me a shirt from my drawer."

Mina nods "Yes captain" then walks to my drawers and takes out a shirt, closing it and walking to me, handing it to me when she gets to the bed. I take it and then look at kirishima.

Bakugou: "Get his feet."

Mina nods and holds down his feet, then I untie his hands and stop him from moving them by taking them in one hand. I then unbutton his shirt, making his eyes widen "W-what do you think you're doing?!"

Bakugou: "Shut up."

Sliding the silky, smooth material off of him, I put it on the other side of my bed, putting the shirt on him and then tying his hands back to my bed post with rope. Mina let's go and I take off his shoes and trousers, to which his eyes widen and he twists and turns, attempting to stop me from doing so.

I take them off and put them with the other clothes.

Bakugou: "That'll do you."

Kirishima: "It's only a shirt, it's ride to wear only a shirt and some underwear. Have you no manners?"

I scoff "I'm a pirate. Idiot. Of course I don't. Now quit being so stuck up."

I stand up and so does mina, sending her out, she walks to the door and walks out, closing it behind her. Then the door opens.

Kaminari: "Captain. There seems to be a change in arrangements, would you like to look over them?"

I nod and walk over, skim reading the parchment and nodding "Fine."

He nods and then looks over to kirishima "Damn, with those thighs my gay ass would be all over him."

I roll my eyes "Get out dumbass."

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