Isn't So Mean?

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Kirishima's pov still:

Looking at him, I blush at the statement, but then he actually leans in and kisses me. My eyes widen slightly, but I do kiss back, then he pulls away.

Bakugou: "That's not called public humiliation, that's called me getting you used to the ship and how our lives work. That's me making sure you adapt."

I look at him, a little taken back by the statement, but I smile slightly and he undoes the rope on my hands. Smiling, I am sat up, but I wince at a pain that spreads through my body. Bakugou chuckles and pulls me over to the pillow, laying me down and then I feel him put a finger up my ass again.

Kirishima: "W-what are you-"

Bakugou: "Gotta get the cum out dumbass. Cause an infection."

Kirishima: "You.. care..?"

Bakugou: "Not about you. No."

Kirishima: "Then why..?"

Bakugou: "....because... you don't act like the rest of those stuck up bastards with their fancy pants gear, they all cry about it being taken off of them, but you just deal with it. That's why."

Kirishima: "O-oh... that.. makes sense... I think..."

Bakugou: "And.. you dropped your sword voluntarily... not many would actually surrender."

Kirishima: "...I don't like to hurt anyone... but I do when I have to.. that's why.."

Bakugou: "Mhm.."

He takes his fingers out and lays down after wiping himself off, then me in turn. Looking at him, he looks at my hands and I offer them to him, expecting him to tie me up somewhere. Instead, he takes one of my wrists and looks at the marks the rope left, he seems quite a curious person. Feeling his surprisingly soft skin on my own, makes me blush, I don't know why.. maybe just his careful nature or the way he touches me like this after all that... telling me the actual reason and things, he didn't have to do that.

Kirishima: "C-captain..?"

Bakugou hums and nods, looking at me and stopping his hand movements.

Kirishima: "W-what are you doing..?"

Bakugou: "Oh... nothing."

He puts my hands down and lays down beside me, his muscular build and toned abs just visible as the rest of him hides behind a blanket. Pulling the blanket over me, he turns around and says "Sleep. It's probably late because it's getting dark."

Kirishima: "O-oh.. ok."

I make myself comfortable and fall asleep.

~in the morning~

When I wake up, I wake up to light filling the small room and I see bakugou's face in front of my own. This is the only time i have seen him without that smirk and his furrowed eyebrows. I smile slightly and bakugou's eyes open as he sees me looking at him groggy and tired still.

Kirishima: "...morning captain."

He groans and sits up, standing up and throwing me a shirt and some boxers. I catch them and pull them on, while he gets dressed.

Bakugou: "You're not getting trousers. You still haven't proven yourself worthy of living yet."

Then mina walks in and looks at us both, her eyes going back to bakugou's "Captain?"

Bakugou: "Mhm?"

Mina: "Sero's bandages have bled through."

Bakugou nods and I stand up "But now that means you need more bandages.."

Bakugou: "Don't use that shirt. I actually like that one. Here."

He throws me a shirt and I take it, mina turns to me and looks at me "Follow me."

I nod slightly and ignore the pain as I walk over to sero's room with her. She let's me inside and I see him led down in his bed. Going over to him I kneel down next to the bed.

Kirishima: "Have you had a lot of movement?"

Sero: "Yes, why?"

He looks at me and I nod "Can I ask you not to? It'll reopen your wound and do this.."

He just hums and I take off the old bandages and cloth as mina hands me a new cloth and her drink. I thank her and she scoffs.

Mina: "We don't do 'thank yous' kirishima."

I nod "Sorry.."

Mina: "Or that."

I nod and turn to sero, putting some alcohol on the cloth and putting that on his wound, making him wince, then i wrap pieces of the torn shirt around his wound, creating the best bandage I can out of it.

Sero: "Why would you even help me? I know you offered before the captain threatened your life if I die."

Kirishima: "...I have morals you know..?"

I stand up and they stare blankly at me.

Sero: "You have what?"

Kirishima: "Morals? It means I have certain beliefs sort of... one of them is that if someone has a chance to live, I will make sure they have the best chance possible.... and that includes people that might kill me.."

Mina: "Now this is new.. usually you people just kill everyone and everything."

Kirishima: " have the wrong kirishima... that would be Gabriel kirishima.."

Mina: "Who's that?"

Kirishima: " father.."

Mina: "What's your name then anyway?"

I smile slightly "I'm eijiro kirishima. I'm 20.. and well.. that's about it.. oh, if you wanted an official title, than I am-"

Sero: "The prince of Clearlake.... we have a prince on board?!"

Mina's eyes widen "A w-what..?"

I rub my neck a little awkwardly and then captain runs in "What the hell are you yelling about?!"

Sero: "Do you know who he is?!"

Mina: " did you know that sero...?"

Kirishima: "...hanta sero... famous for betraying my father's army. He was one of the guards. I was around 14 at that time, as was he."

Bakugou: "The fuck do you mean?"

Mina: "....bakugou.. we have a prince on board the ship.."

His eyes widen slightly "What? Where? Why?"

Kirishima: "You're not very well educated are you? My name is eijiro kirishima, prince of clearlake... heir to the throne.... I thought you already knew that.."

Bakugou: "The fuck? No. I didn't."

Sero: "Well, you do now..."

~1003 words~

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