Eijiro Kirishima

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Bakugou's pov:

Looking at them all, I sigh "Whatever, let's just get to work. Mina, you're on the wheel, sero, you're on bed rest and you. You're coming with me."

Kirishima: "O-oh... yes captain.."

Sero: "Captain? Be careful with him... I'm not even kidding, their army is very powerful.. and big.."

Bakugou: "Yeah, yeah. I know. I've heard about it. Mina, change course. We're going to the hag."

Mina: "Yes captain."

She runs off onto the deck and I look at kirishima, then take his arm and drag him out of the room, to my office. Shutting the door, I look at him and walk towards him, backing him into the door.

Bakugou: "You could've told me."

Kirishima: "...I thought you already knew.. I'm sorry, i-"

Bakugou: "No. You're not allowed to say 'sorry' we've been through this. No 'please's either. Not unless I tell you to beg for something."

Kirishima nods slightly.

Bakugou: "Now, the old hag will take care of what to do with you."

Kirishima looks at me, slightly nervous "..are you gonna.. kill me..? Or um..?"

Bakugou: "No, not yet."

Kirishima panicks slightly "Yet..?"

Bakugou: "I might. Not now though."

Kirishima: "O-oh... ok.."

Bakugou: "I guess that does explain why you were dressed differently.. I'm taking it your mother and father were the other ones in red?"

Kirishima nods slightly and I hum "I see.."

Kirishima smiles slightly "Well um... am I ever going back..? Because I mean, if I don't then.. well... I've just screwed my whole kingdom up.."

Bakugou: "Eh, we'll see."

He nods "Oh and also, you came at the wrong time."

I raise my eyebrows slightly "How so?"

He smiles "Our crowns were getting cleaned. They're probably the most valuable thing anyone can own, so at the same time I would've had to either defeat your crew or die trying to if I had that at risk, so you kind of came at the right time really."

Bakugou: "Right.."

Kirishima: "But my sword... be careful with that..."

Bakugou: "And why should I do that?"

Kirishima: "...it was my grandfather's... passed down to my father... then me.. he has a new one now.."

Bakugou: "Fine. Fine. Come with me. If it's a family thing like that, I won't disrespect that.. plus, my grandma knew him... so I literally can't.. I would be killed then if my mum found out."

Kirishima smiles and nods, then follows me out to the carpenter's room. Walking inside "Everyone stop what you're doing."

They all stop and look up "Yes captain?"

Bakugou: "The sword. His sword. Where is it?"

Jiro: "Sero said it had a special symbol on it, so he put it in the case over there."

We both nod and walk inside, then kaminari looks over "May I ask why captain?"

I stop and turn to him "Do you remember I told you about King Kashikida Matamichi?"

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