Contract signing

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Masaru picks up the quill provided and mitsuki points to where he has to sign, the queen watching over them and kirishima slowly standing up and walking over to them as well. He's quietly eating ginger biscuits though, but no one really seems to mind that.

Although, he gets bored and offers one to bakugou, who gives him a sceptical look, before slowly taking one and trying it. At first, he doesn't seem sure whether he likes the biscuit or not, but when he finishes the rest of the biscuit, kirishima figures he does and offers him another, which he gladly accepts this time.

Smiling slightly, kirishima then moves his attention back to mitsuki, who's now signing the document. When she's finished, she gets bakugou's attention and shows him where to sign. He sighs and takes the quill, signing the document. His signature is interesting, or at least, kirishima thinks so. It's Ka in cursive with the tail of the 'a' going through the two letters in a specific way.

Once he's signed it, kirishima's mother signs it and then it's kirishima's turn to sign. He takes a seat and his mother passes him the quill, to which he then adds his signature to the rest of them, finally making the contract official. He also then offers them all a ginger biscuit, which they accept, even his mother.

When they walk out together, kirishima's mother leans over to him and quietly asks "..does he know?"

Kirishima looks at her and shakes his head slightly, then she nods and asks in the same tone "Are you going to tell him?"

At that question, kirishima pauses and thinks to himself, is he going to tell bakugou? Then he decides it would be wrong not to, so after a few moments hesitation, he nods slightly and his mother smiles, whispering "There's my good boy."

He smiles slightly at her and she smiles back, then natsuo comes over and greets them all, then asks "Did you have any questions at all?"

Kirishima looks at him and he nods, then he says "Alright, follow me then, we'll have a chat."

Nodding, kirishima walks away with natsuo and then mrs. Kirishima turns to the bakugous and smiles slightly "He's not contagious, if you're worried about that. I wouldn't have kept him in the room if he were, but he's probably not going to stop throwing up anytime soon. That's what the ginger biscuits are for."

Mitsuki chuckles and nods "Work wonders for morning sickness."

Smiling, the queen nods and says "Definitely."

Mitsuki: "How's it going with the who suitor search?"

The queen chuckles slightly and says "Not amazingly.... I don't think he likes the idea of an arranged marriage in all honesty, but until this morning, I didn't know he isn't into women, which is probably one of the main reasons we weren't getting anywhere, but oh well."

Bakugou blinks and then masaru says "Oh. Probably useful information."

The queen chuckles and nods "You would have thought so, wouldn't you?"

They continue walking down the corridor until they've located all of bakugou's crew. Natsuo and kirishima find them eventually as well, so they're now all together. The contract is sealed off with a special stamp used only by the kirishima family to prove it's real, then a copy is handed to the bakugous.

Mina looks between them and tilts her head as mitsuki and masaru are given a copy and then bakugou is given his own. Bakugou mouths "Contract." She just nods and then sero smiles slightly, sitting down with them all with kirishima opposite him, reading through something.

Queen: "What is it?"

Kirishima looks up "Alliance proposal... makes zero sense."

The queen hums and nods "..that does sound about right. I'll let them know we've declined the offer."

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