When sick

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Cole- tries to get a lot of sleep to get better

Zane- physically can't get sick

Jay- uses it as an excuse to play video games all day. Likes that Nya would spoil him

Kai- hates being forced to sleep and that he can't eat much. Will take medicine very slowly and complain about the taste the entire time. But likes that Skylor spoils him

Nya- doesn't like having to lay in bed all day or eating not ad much, but usually accepts it. Makes fun of Kai for drinking medicine slowly while she shotguns it. Likes that Jay would definitely spoil her with hugs

Lloyd- insists that he is not sick and that "it's just allergies" when he is clearly sick. Hates not being able to eat much candy. Also uses it as an excuse to play video games all day

Pixal- physically can't get sick

Skylor- tries tongo to work, but immediately gets sent home by her own workers. Likes being spoiled by Kai

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