Biggest fears

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(Enjoy the meme, I might put some in if I feel like it)

Cole- Not being able to protect the others. He is the oldest, and thinks that it is his responsibility to make sure everyone is physically and mentally safe.

Zane- loosing his humanity. He does not want to be seen or act like a heartless machine.

Jay- Nadakhan returning. He doesn't want him to try to try and hurt the ninja or people of ninjago and is scared that Nya would die again

Kai- losing Nya. She is the most important person in his life along with Skylor. Since she was the only family he had growing up, he wouldn't be able to handle the pain of losing her.

Nya- losing Kai or Jay/ Nadakhan returning. Same reason as Kai, Nya wouldn't be able to deal with his death. Same with Jay, they have been through so much trauma and he is the one that helps her the most. She also knows that if Nadakhan returns, he will try to kill Jay
(Also, I do not like what they did with the fear mirror for Nya because this is not the movie, and I don't recall Nya being afraid of being normal)

Lloyd- becoming like his father. Lloyd knows that he is more powerful than his father, so he doesn't want to imagine the destruction that he could cause

PIXAL- losing Zane. She thought that he was gone so many times and is scared that he might die for real.

Skylor- becoming like her father. She doesn't like to imagine what would have happened if she remained loyal to him.

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