Size of Ninjago

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I don't know about you guys, but one thing I don't like about the show is that we hardly see any cities. All we really have are Ninjago City, Shintaro, Stix (if you consider those to be cities), and thats it. I'm not talking about villages like Ignacia or Jamanakai. It really makes the world feel a lot smaller that it is, and here is what i'm talking about.
Tommy Andreasen said that it would take 4-5 days for a person to drive from the north of ninjago to the south (it was on twitter a while ago, so just look at ninjago wiki if you want to know more). So I looked up how long a person can drive in a day, and you can drive 500 miles (about 804 km) safely in a day. That means from north to south, Ninjago is abou 2,000- 2,500 miles (about 3,218-4,023 km) long. To compare that, the distance from the west coast to the east coast of the US is about 2,500-3,500 miles (about 4,023-5,632 km). So we have an island slightly smaller than the continental US, and we only have seen 3 cities. I don't know about you, but to me it makes the universe seem a lot smaller than it should be.

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