During an emotional crisis/ PTSD episode

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Cole- would usually tell someone what was happening and try to calm his nerves

Zane- tells PIXAL what is happening and what is haunting him. She will comfort him and cuddle when they sleep

Jay-  will immediately want to cuddle with Nya and would tell her what is bothering him. Will also be extremely clingy towards her and want to cuddle constantly

Kai- would try to not tell anyone and keep it to himself, but Skylor or Nya would find out and force him to tell them. They would try to comfort him and would cuddle at night

Nya- would cry constantly and become extremely clingy towards Jay or Kai (usually Jay). She would try not to tell what was wrong, but would eventually give in. Would also want a lot of cuddles

Lloyd- like Cole, would tell someone (usually Nya) what was happening. They would try to comfort him

PIXAL- would tell Zane what was happening and become clingy towards him. Would want cuddles at night

Skylor- would cry a bit and become clingy towards Kai. Like Nya, she wouldn't want to tell him what was wrong, but would eventually tell him

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