Part 38: A World Torn Apart

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It wasn't the same after that day. I remember it so clearly and yet, I cannot forgive myself for letting it happen. We had no idea what was coming but I felt like if I could have done anything different, it would have been to never have let them out of my sight.

I was having a pretty regular day when this began, it wasn't like Bill, the skies didn't turn into chaos and the world didn't alter, but something just felt off all day and I couldn't figure out for the life of me what was happening. Having figured I would take a walk down to the Mystery Shack, I came up on Soos who was leading off the latest group of tourist into the gift shop.

" Hey dude! When am I getting some summer help again! " I couldn't help but laugh and wave my hand as I walk up to him.

" Hey it's nearly winter, we always shut down for winter. " Soos nods and chuckles whole heartedly. " How is the little one? " Asking as I peek inside, seeing Melody tending the register and no baby in sight.

" Oh she is amazing, already sleeping like an angel and screaming like a banshee when she wants something. It's quite something. " He looks inside to see Melody peeking out, waving to me with excitement as she blew a kiss to Soos soon after. " Heh she misses having all you guys around to help out, not for the cheap labor heh, but having our friends right next door so to speak. "

" Ya sorry about that, life has been busy, school and all that. " I held a warm smile feeling like there was so much to fight for, and that fight would be coming sooner than anyone could imagine. I began to walk inside as Soos stopped me and would clearly had that look of needing a favor.

" So.. like could you ask Stan if he could come by? Melody agreed he is the best choice for a godfather... well like a grandfather really but he is family still like you all are. " I smiled warmly and nodded a bit before chuckling some.

" Couldn't get Mabel to get him while she was here? " Soos shaking his head, embarrassed he had to ask me but I didn't mind in the least as I waved to Melody and turned to head off. " I'll have him drop by, you know he listens to me. " Jesting that even Mabel couldn't get him out of a comfy chair if she wanted.

The walk was pleasant aside from the cold air but honestly I couldn't even feel down. Life had become so much better, my family was together, I was in love with a great person and they loved me back just as hard, if not harder at times. Making my way into the house, I was soon approached by Mabel who smiled all too wide and hopped a bit to me.

" Hey hey hey! You haven't told me the big news! Come on tell me! Or else I'll go ask--"

" Mabel! " A loud rough voice calls as Stan walked out of the basement and would blink slightly upon seeing me, surprised I had been by so early. " Hey kid, one second. " Stan looks to Mabel while wiping off his oiled hands and soon enough addressed Mabel who looked guilty already. " Ford is waiting for you little Missy, now head down so he can get you all set up and after that you can continue assaulting everyone. " Teasing her a bit as he pats her back softly, Mabel runs off waving back to me as I turn to Stan. " So kid what's up? "

" Oh I was by the Shack earlier and Soos has something he wants to talk with you about with Melody, seems they decided to legally make you and Ford family, adopting without telling everyone eh? " I elbow his side a bit but Stan just swats me away with a bit of a smile. 

" You can say that, I mean we all are family anyway right? " I couldn't really deny that truth as Stan walked by and went out after calling downstairs to Ford, the echoes were amazing like always but it was fun to hear every time. I figured since Mabel was busy and Stan was out, I wouldn't get a moment with Ford and headed back out to town for now since Stan would be talking to Soos and likely have everyone busy.

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