Chapter 2: Guardian devil

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Tine's POV
"Cute Tine faster we gonna be late!!!"

"Who tf call me Cute Tine?" I said in my heart.

I quickly ate my egg fried rice and rushed to the door. Open it. All can i see is my one and only friend, Nanno

"Good morning Tine, Hi Mr Khai and Mr Third. Today's weather is nice. Am I right?" Nanno said with a genuine and sweet smile. But to me it is so creepy until it gives me goosebumps.

"Bye Papa and Papi!!" I give them a wai before I go.

"Bye! Mr Khai and Mr Third" Nanno waved to my parents enthusiastically. That makes me want to peed in my pants because I know she is gonna kill me.

We walked fast to our school. Then I heard Nanno beside me talking. I'm scared.

"Fatty!, why you late I will kill you if I got to see that stupid principal again"she said it with a psycho smile.

I think only a second ago I heard her call "Cute Tine" in front of my parents. Yeah that is my friend Nanno. She is my guardian devil. She always skipped classes and cursed teachers. She always brings a small knife in her pocket to "protect" herself. I know what yall think how this hardcore devil can be my bestfriend right?


My first year at GMM high school. As we all know what will happen. You know it, I know it, the world knows it.I get bullied on the first day of school. The bullies punch me and want to take my money. Because i'm weak and  fat. I fell to the ground .My butt so hurt I am not ready for it yet (wink).Then there came my guardian devil. She took out her small knife and cut the bullies hand. Then she licked the blood. The bullies ran away.

I am so scared and peed in my pants. I closed my eyes and  begged her to please don't kill me. Then I open my eyes. She gave me a hand to pull me to stand.
She pulls me very hard until I can see her sweat.Yeah I know I'm heavy. I open my mouth and say "Thank You so much for helping me" with my sweet smile.

"I hate people who bully some that are weak. You should never let anyone bully you anymore.Okay?"She said it with a serious face. I nodded. Then she said "I don't believe you, be my friend so I can protect you" . She did not ask me, it sounds more like she commanded me.

"O-Okay we friend.Hi my name is Tine " I said with a bright smile.

"Hi my name is Nanno. Nice to meet you." Suddenly I got goosebumps. I don't know why.

"Let's go to your class I will accompany you" she said

I nodded but then my mouth moved by itself. "Are you not scared of what will happen to you if the boy reports to the police?"

She stares at me and smiles. Should I regret what I ask? She's creepy.

"No, My both parents are Inspector-General of Police Bangkok. I can do whatever I want,"she smiles devilishly.

"Oooh ha..ha..ha" I laughed awkwardly but she..

"MUAHAHAHAHAHHA" She laughed his hysterically. I can only gulp.


Suddenly I feel like someone smacked my back. It's Nanno.

"What are you daydreaming fatty.Are you hungry? want some raw meat?"She takes out the raw meat from her pocket. I can see and smell blood.

"TF Nanno? why you have that thing" I hold my mouth from vomit.

"If you don't want it. I will keep it" she said.

After a couple minutes we arrived at our "beloved" GMM high school. We both make it on time. That also means I am still alive from Nanno the grim reaper.


Everyone has a friend to talk to, except for me. Luckily I sat beside the window so I couldn't see our school's huge football field. Then I saw Sarawat playing football with his friend. I love to watch his smile. I hope he will smile at me. But I know it's not gonna happen in reality or even in my wet dream. Suddenly my history teacher came to the class, Mr Kongpob. He is tall and handsome. All the students stand and greet the teacher. Then Mr Kongpob spoke.

"Did you all know what day it is tomorrow?" He said it happily and sweetly.

All the students just quite and do nothing

"What else should I aspect from yall? an answer? meh! I should answer it myself" Mr Kongpob said annoyingly and sarcastically.

"Tomorrow is Valentine's day!!" Mr Kongpob scream

All the students were screaming and cheering except for me.

I hate Valentine's day, because everyone is happy with their partners.I am alone, a sad pig at the corner hall. Nanno never gonna join this event. She definitely gonna said "I have to give my demon eats"

Then I watch Sarawat play football with his friend again and smile like he's gonna be mine.Like to have sweet moments as a couple. He may be my boyfriend then be my husband and then be a father to our kids. Thank God daydreaming is free right?

I shook my head and back to reality. I am facing my head to the front.  My eyes widened because all eyes were on me. Then I heard Mr Kongpob say..

"Mr Teepakorn did you hear what I say?" I shook my head. Mr Kongpob sighs.

"I want you to see you in my room before recess, we need to discuss"Mr Kongpob. I nodded.

Before Recess

I am on my way to see Mr Kongpob's room. I don't know why he wants to see me. Am I doing something wrong? Did he know that I eat in his class or maybe it's about Nanno. Yes Nanno is a bully too but she just bullies other bullies. I knock the door and twist the door knob. Push the door. All I can see is...

to be continued

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