Chapter 10: Prom night

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Tine's POV
I look the same and I gained 5 more kilograms. I don't understand. I already try my best. Whatever.. Sarawat still wants to be my partner for this prom night. He doesn't mind my appearance, he likes me. I think I'll confess to him my feelings toward him and ask him to be my boyfriend at the prom night.

The Day I Waiting For

Our graduation day is like a normal graduation event. Wearing academic dress, taking pictures, and bla bla bla..Boring. I took pictures with Sarawat and geng. Actually my eyes are searching for someone that I miss alot.

"Where are you Nanno?" I mutter.

"Why are you distracted? Who are you searching for? I'm right here Tine no need to look for me" Sarawat said while holding both of my hands and looking at my eyes.

"No I 'm not searching for anyone" I said to him with a beautiful smile.

"Okay let's go eat Tine. I'm hungry" He said with puppy eyes.

"Let's go Sarawat!!" I said.

"And Tine, actually I can't wait for tonight. I'm glad you accepted me to be your prom partner " He said shyly.

"I'm also glad that you want me to be your partner " I blushed.

The Prom Night

Our prom night is the best night ever. There are no teachers. It's only students. The event was organised by our students council. That means we can do whatever we want.

I am still in my house. I walk down my stairs. I wear an all white set and black bow tie. Papi and Papa look and proudly. I can see Papa holding his tears. Such a drama, it's only prom night.

"Our son is grown up now. I feel
like just yesterday you are just a little baby" Papa said.

"Don't cry dear, I know this day will come" Papi cried.

"Don't be like that it's only prom night duhhh" I said to my parents.

"When is the boy going to pick you?" Papi asked.

"I am taking a cab. He's busy" I said. Yeah Sarawat asked to do so.

"Cab? Seriously? when I'm at your age. I pick your Papa by motorcycle. Then we skip the prom night and make out in an abundant class" Papi said proudly.

"Papi! don't tell him that. He is still young to know all this" Papa whined.

"Okay whatever bye Papa. bye Papi" I said and rushed out of that house. Then my cab came.

"Bye bunny, have fun" Papa said.

"So Tine is not at home now, want to try new positions?" Papi said with a devilish smile.

"Let's gooooo" Papa excitedly said.

I was already at my school hall. I see Pam and Sarawat together in the car.I thought Sarawat says he's busy? Maybe Pam doesn't have transportation. I see she brought something like paint buckets . Maybe I mislook it.

"Hi Tine" Sarawat said to me.

"Hi Sarawat. You look so handsome tonight. Actually you always look handsome" I said shyly. My mouth is moving by itself.

"Yeah I know," He said.

Then I was waiting for him to compliment me or my outfit. Two minutes I waited for him to respond. But he just stood there awkwardly.

"Tine why are we still waiting outside the hall? You don't want to get in?" Sarawat asked.

"Ouh yeah. Let's go Sarawat" I said to him.

What! Does he don't even notice how cute I'm tonight? I do all this for him.

to be continued

SHAPE OF YOU / SarawatTine / BrightWinWhere stories live. Discover now