Aiden when Aru looks at a Mirror (Part 1)

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So I'm back! It took me a while but here I am now. Anyways as you all probably know this fic is about the prophecy Aiden gets at the House of the Sun. I forgot to mention this before but some of my work has spoilers in them (actually all my work has spoilers in them if you didn't read the books) that being said, don't read this if you didn't read COG yet, cause it has spoilers. Happy reading!

We were transported to a very long passage lined with white pillars and mirrors. I'm not gonna go into much detail cause, the place was giving me the creeps (and cause we were not supposed to look at these things anyway). Stuff I can tell you about the place, apart from what I saw, is that the air smelled musty, there were eerie noises and weeping. I can tell you this, all the potatoes felt unsettled about this place (except Mini, probably some daughter of death thing Aru goes on and on about).

I tapped Shadowfax so that it folded away into a watch, (this immediately aroused questions from Aru) and started making our way down the passage. I noticed earlier that Aru had a tremble in her voice, so slight you might think she was trying to hide it (now that I think about it she probably was trying to hide it)

As we were walking, I noticed Aru getting distracted by the mirrors and quickly jerking her head back forward. Now, you might be asking me, how did you  notice Aru getting distracted? Well, she's right in front of Mini and Rudy so if I squint past them I can see her. How could I not notice? (A/N I know Aiden is tall and would be able to see Aru without squinting, but let's just roll with it here) All of a sudden Aru started to say weird things aloud:






I looked around and realized that she was reading the words written on the pillars, thank goodness; I thought the place made her lose her mind. Anyways, Aru starts slowing down after a while and Mini -for some reason- shouts and asks why she's slowing down (and Rudy made yet another unnecessary  comment because he's scared). I guess Aru let curiosity get the best of her because she turned to face a mirror, suddenly all the color in her face disappeared and she looked desperate. "Mom!" she cried. 

If I didn't know something was wrong before, I know now; I rushed to the front, where Aru stood.

I was going to write the whole thing at once, but um I just couldn't do it without overwhelming myself, so I'm going to write in small chunks so that I don't take long breaks. I'll update soon now that I've got my work cut out for me. Anyways thanks for reading!

*This isn't really a cliff-hanger cause it's based on the books but I now know why people do it, it makes you feel surprisingly good*

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