Lost in Time - Bonus

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I know I'm posting a bonus chapter before starting the actual fanfic, but since I'm lazy AF I'm gonna post this as a bonus chapter (It was the start of the first chapter originally). Since I'm quite lazy, I'm thinking about writing a prologue to make life a bit easier.

Sleeper's POV

The Sleeper was frustrated, his daughter and her puny friends were putting up quite the fight and the little brat wouldn't even join him. All the mind games he played to no avail. Uggh... all he needs now is the Amrita, so he decided to focus on getting it. He had Kirthika's first daughter anyways, who was the reincarnation of Karna, but she's been distant recently, so he wasn't sure if she'd help them willingly. Someone then interrupted his thoughts - "Umm, dad?", Kara asked, her head peeking into the room. "The rakshasi outside told me to tell you that it's time for the thing."

"What thing? Kara, be specific.", the Sleeper scolded.

"Well...h-he said that you would know what the thing is."

"That's ridiculous, how am I suppos- Ohh that thing!"

"Got it?"

"Got it.", the Sleeper confirmed.

"The Sleeper rushed outside, past a few guards, and made his way to the combat room storage. The thing in question was a book of mantras (stolen, if you're curious) which could -if used properly- help him get the Amrita. He pulled up his boxes (he forgot which one he put it in). While he was looking for the book, he came across the bag he used when he searched for the Kalpavriksha (the first time), he took it out and kept it aside, meaning to check what's in it. 

Finally, he found it (he had enchanted it to look like a vase). He took both the vase and his bag and headed to his quarters. He'd never actually opened the bag after his trip because he was so disorientated and there were more pressing things at hand than unpacking. 

He found some expired granola bars (which he later gave to a rakshasi, it's not like he'll ever know... or even care), an old bottle of water (also donated to the rakshasi), that dammed key that almost destroyed him (not donating that), and a Rubik cube thingy, among other things lying cluttered in the bag. He studied the cube, cause, he felt like there was something about it he should know, but he only had a vague idea that he couldn't grasp, like a dream that was slipping through your fingers.

Flashback to the time when he visited Mr. V

"I need something that will help me open all doors; even those which aren't meant to be opened", Sudyoduna proposed.

"It challenges me, but it is possible. But I must warn you, such keys tend to pry, it opens anything it wants to unlock.", Mr. V  advised.

Sudyoduna waved off his warning, it didn't seem important at the time. All he wanted was to have a normal life with his wife and child, that's all that mattered.

"And here, you need to connect with the past to secure your future", Mr. V said. It was strangely cryptic, but Sudyoduna brushed it aside and accepted the cube Mr. V offered.

So that's the bonus chapter. How did you all like the Sleepers POV? I surprisingly enjoyed writing it! I should probably start working on the prologue now, shouldn't I? Oh well, I'll do it soon (hopefully).

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