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Me and Ashley were playing a good old fashion party game of truth or dare. It was Ashleys turn to ask me.

"Truth or dare?" Ashley had asked me. I took a moment to think.

"Dare," I said way to confidently for my own good. Ashley hesitated for a moment before she finally came to a verdict.

"I dare you to let me look through your search history," She said like she knew I had some deep dark secrets to hide. Then it hit me. If she wanted to see my laptop search history she would see that I had searched Sebastion. She would probably think I was obbsessing over him or something.

"Umm sure my phone or what?" I decided not to straight out say laptop so maybe she would forget I had one.

"Hmm probably your laptop. You have that here right? I just feel you don't search stuff up on your phone as much." Exactly what I didn't want to happen happened. I tryed not to look too worried.

"Yep I do let me go grab it really fast." I got up reluctantly and went downstairs. I wondered if I had time to delete his name from my search history. If I thought about it I probably could. I walked down the stairs fast to make up for the time I would take to delete the search. I found my bookbag and quickly grabbed my laptop.

I put my password in and went to my history. I found the search and the memorys floated back to me. Young boy's parents killed in tragic fire. The headline was further detailed about how the house had caught on fire while they were making food. Also since there was no known relatives of the boy since the family had cut ties with his parents when he was only little he would be put into the foster care system.

When I had read that I figured out why he moved schools so often. He kept switching his foster parents. That must suck. He already seemed to have a difficult time meeting new people either because he was afraid to lose them or they only thought he was cute or hot or whatever. Not that he was that cute or hot to me.

I had removed the item from my history and made my way back up the stairs quickly. I kinda wanted to scare Ashley but I didn't know how. I slowly creaked open the door and made hushed whisper sounds, Ashley looked behind her wearily.

"Y/n are you there. If thats you this isn't funny." I couldn't bare it anymore though it had only been a few seconds and started laughing so hard. Ashley looked like she wanted to kill me but I just went and sat infront of her again. Ignoring her rather obvious want to kill me.

I handed her my laptop rather confidently to be real. She took it suspicously and got to searching. She didn't find much except for my tv shows I watch and the characters. And some drawing inspirations. I was kinda glad I had remembered to delete that search or else that would have been an awkard cinversation. Suddenly I thought of something.

"Why did you seem very persistent on coming hear tonight. I know you don't like us going there but today you seemed rather set on staying here."

"Oh.. um well uh my moms sister is staying at our house and it would be a little to hectic if he were there right now y'know." She responded. In the begining she sounded kinda nervous. But the answer was good enough so I let is slide.

"Oo how about we watch a movie," I suggested.

"Yes let's do it!" Ashley agreed excitedly.

"Where do you wanna watch the movie on my laptop or in the living room?"

"Let's go to the living room for more room, plus I want popcorn." Ashley said rather excitedly.

We walked down the stairs into my living room. I turned on the tv for Ashley to pick the movie while I made popcorn. I listened to the pops as I remembered the one sleepover I had with Lila a good 2 years ago. We had also played truth or dare and watched a movie. As much as I hated and loved to admit I did miss Lila because of the strong friendship we had but also was glad we weren't friends. If we hadn't not decided to end our friendship I never would have met Ashley.

My life had become so much better since I became friends with Ashley. We could tell eachother anything.

Or at least I hoped we could..


785 words

Hi peoples. I like the way we are heading.

Remember to eat food and drink water.

Much love. -The author <3

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