Chapter 1

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"Everything will be ok," Mrs. Weaver said through sign language to her daughter, Catra, who was currently panicking.

"What if people make fun of me again?" She signed back with shaky hands.

"They won't, I'll tell the teachers about you being deaf. Ok?" Mrs. Weaver signed before giving Catra two thumbs up. Catra lowered her hands before nodded.

"Thank you," She signed before glancing over at the clock.

"I have to go, I'll see you after school. Please don't forget to tell the teachers," She signed and Mrs. Weaver nodded.

"I won't, have a great day Catra," She signed before Catra left the house. She walked down the sidewalks before taking out her diary and unlocking it with a key from her pocket.

School Day 1
I'm so nervous right now, I really hope things don't go wrong. She couldn't even drive me to school, so now I have to take the bus. I can't blame her though, ever since dad left things have been hard. And... he left because of me. Because I'm deaf.

Catra sighed, looked up, and quickly sidestepped away from a pole. She turned her head and noticed she was at the bus stop.

Almost got hit, nice one. What if people were watching? God that would be so embarrassing.

Catra buried her face in her hands before noticing something bright yellow come into view. The bus.

She watched the doors open and she entered the bus. She looked around and sat down in a two-seater before resting her bag on the seat with her.

I hope nobody sits next to me. I don't want everything to go wrong again.

She glanced out the window.

This place is pretty, I'm glad we moved here. But I'm not glad I have to actually attend school. I like being homeschooled. I don't have to worry about being bullied and all the embarrassment coming from it.

Suddenly the bus came to a stop and she stopped writing. She peeked her head out in the walkway before seeing more kids enter. She immediately turned away and made sure there wasn't any space for anyone to sit next to her. Eventually, the bus started again.

Successfully avoided human interaction. Haha, now I sound... Entrapta.

Catra paused as she already felt tears appearing in her eyes. She quickly wiped them away before continuing to write.

I can't bring her up again. Mom won't be happy, I just hope she's ok. It's all my fault if she's

Catra noticed students standing up and leaving so she did the same, leaving her diary entry unfinished. She exited the bus and looked up at the building.

I can't believe I'm coming to Brightmoon! It's so majestic and... pink. There's so much pink... I think I see a horse. Oh my gosh, that's a horse. A real horse.

Catra closed her diary and stared at the horse. Soon the horse lifted their head and the two locked eyes.

That's one pretty horse. I should probably get going to class, I don't see many people out there.

She closed and locked her diary before taking out her phone. She took a quick picture of the horse before going inside. She swiftly slipped through the crowd of students before reaching into her bag and taking out her schedule. She skimmed through before looking for her locker number.

When she found it, most students were out of the hallway leaving her all alone. She took out her diary before writing again.

I almost forgot how regular school goes. There's a bell and I think I'm late. I really hope she called the principal. Actually, instead of writing, I should hurry up. I'll update after school.

She slipped her diary in her bag before opening locking her locker. After the door open she looked in her bag just as it was slammed shut. Someone had their hand on it. She looked up again before noticing someone's hand. She turned around and finally got a view of this person.

They had hair that looked like tied-up noodles, she made a mental note on that.

"You must be the new kid?" The person said but Catra couldn't hear them.

"I'm Lonnie and I run this school. So you should do as I say and don't pick fights with me, or my crew." Lonnie said motioning over to the two boys who were holding hands briefly. When the spotlight turned to them their hands immediately went back to their side.

Catra took note that one of them had blonde hair and the other had green-dyed hair.

"That's Kyle and Rogelio," Lonnie said as Catra turned her head back to Lonnie. She stayed silent causing Lonnie to raise an eyebrow, clearly pissed that she got no reaction.

"Hello? Are you even listening?" She snapped but Catra's blank stare didn't change.

"Who the fuck is this kid?" She said turning her head to her crew. Kyle and Rogelio both shrugged before Lonnie turned her head back to Catra.

"Answer me!" Lonnie yelled grabbing the tip of Catra's shirt. Catra dropped her bag as Lonnie glared at her.

"I can't hear you," Catra signed as Lonnie let go of her shirt. She glanced over at Kyle and he shrugged again.

"What is this? Some sorta curse spell?" She asked as Catra titled her head.

"I'm deaf," She signed but Lonnie wasn't having it at all. She thought Catra was mocking her.

"Do you think I'm stupid?!" She snapped only to get a blank stare in return. She was done at this point so Lonnie grabbed Catra's arm and threw her to the ground.

"Next time answer me when I'm talking to you, or else I won't go so easy." Lonnie snarled. Catra watched Lonnie and the other two boys walk away. She slowly stood up before leaning against the lockers. She pushed herself off and grabbed her diary.

Nothing changed.

And with that, she started her day.

I know nobody asked for this but I finally got my motivation back, so woo-hoo! Enjoy!

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