Chapter 5

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Catra silently picked her diary up before inching towards Lonnie. Lonnie started to laugh before getting smacked in the face by Catra's diary.

"You asshole! Your really gonna pay now!" She yelled tackling Catra to the floor. A few students started to record while others were chanting, fight fight fight. Finally, Bow ran off to find Micah. He arrived outside the office and knocked. He may be in a rush but he is respectful.

"Come in!" Bow opened the door and pointed down the hallway.

"There's a fight," He said and Micah stood up. The two raced down the hallway until they found the crowd.

"Back up!" Micah yelled and the students back up against the lockers. Micah grabbed Lonnie and looked down at Catra.

"Miss Lonnie, to my office immediately. Bow make sure she gets there." Micah said and Bow nodded. Micah watched the two travel down the hallway before looking back at the crowd of students.

"What are you still doing here? Get back to class!" Micah yelled and the students hesitantly shuffled away. Once the students were gone Micah bent down to Catra's level and placed his hand on her side. She jumped up to her feet before falling.

"It's jest me, just." Micah signed before correcting his mistake. Catra's fear washed away as Micah helped her stand.

"Thank you, am I going to get in trouble?" She signed as the two walked down to the nurse.

"Not at all, just Lonie. Lonnie." Micah isn't the best at sign language but he took the time to learn some of it for his new student. Which explains why some letters are off. Micah opened the door to the nurse's office and laid Catra down.

"There was a fight, take care of her," Micah said before leaving the room. The nurse immediately began to treat Catra's bruises as Micah left. He ventured down the hall and entered his office. As he sat down the door swung open.

"Adora? What do you need?" He asked as Adora caught her breath.

"Catra! Where is she!? Bow told me she got into a fight," Adora said as Micah stood up. He walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"She's in the nurses office and you should be in class," Micah said. Adora went to protest but he held his hand up.

"You should get back to class Adora, don't worry about her she's ok." He said and the blonde hesitantly exited the office. She watched the door close before making her way to the nurse's office. She obviously wasn't going to go back to class when her friend got injured. She knocked on the nurse's office but when she didn't get an immediate response she entered.

"Catra! Your ok!" Adora said hugging Catra from behind. Startled by the sudden contact Catra jumped to her feet. When she saw it was Adora she smiled and sat back down. She took out a pack of sticky notes as Adora sat down. They talked.

Adora held Catra's hand as the two exited the building. Adora decided to skip the rest of school for Catra. She had straight A's so she figured one class missed won't damage it. She was able to get Catra's homework for her and now the two were going to Adora's car.

"Adora!" Adora turned her head and saw Glimmer running towards her.

"Hey Glimmer, where's Bow?" Adora asked unknowingly letting go of Catra's hand. Catra looked down before turning back to Adora. Glimmer faced Catra and the two locked eyes. 

"He's uh still inside, look can we talk?" Glimmer asked turning away from Catra. 

"Sure, what's up?" Adora asked glancing over at Catra. Catra stood confused so Glimmer took her chance. She kissed Adora. Catra's eyes watered and she ran away just as Adora pulled away.

"Glimmer what was that?! You should know I don't like you that way!" Adora said trying to keep her voice down.

"I don't like you like that either," Glimmer admitted leaving Adora confused. Then why did she do that? Adora wondered as Bow came up to the two.

"Hey, guys! Sorry, I was late I left my books in the library," Bow said as Glimmer took his hand. She dragged him inside the car as Adora rubbed her neck.

"That was weird," She muttered before getting in the car. She started it up and drove off.

"Oh, Glimmer can you nudge Catra for me? I want to show her something," Adora said keeping her eyes on the road. Bow and Glimmer turned to their right but Catra wasn't there.

"She's not here," Glimmer said and Adora slammed the breaks.

"WHAT!? I LEFT WITHOUT HER!?" Adora shouted as she turned the car around.

"Actually she went to walk home," Glimmer said leaning back and crossing her arms. Adora glanced at Glimmer through the window before sighing.

"How do you know?" Adora asked trying to calm down. I can't believe I left without her. I'm a horrible person.

"She told me," Glimmer shrugged as Adora's eyes widened. Adora didn't respond causing the drive to go silent. Soon Glimmer got out at her stop and next Bow at his stop. After Bow left Adora started the car and started to drive towards Catra's house.

"She was lying, Catra doesn't talk."

I don't know how fights work lol this was weak.

You Can't Talk, Why? - Catradora (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now