Chapter 2

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Catra sat in the back of the classroom for all her classes. And for lunch, she sat alone, near the back of the cafeteria. After lunch ended she could see people whispered as she walked through the halls. Out of instinct she took her diary out and started writing.

Are people judging me again? Why? I haven't even done anything to them? I want to go home, to my mom, to my room. She's the only person who'll ever learn sign language for me. She's the only person who cares about me. I'd rather be a blip in this populated school than the talk of it.

Then someone tripped her. She fell and dropped her diary as Lonnie laughed.

"Watch where you're going! Hey, I noticed you didn't eat lunch today. Did your mommy forget to pack your little sandwich?" Lonnie teased as her tone became more childish. The students in the hallway laughed at her comment as Catra reached out for her diary.

She looked up and immediately recognized Lonnie. She looked around and saw students laughing at her. She choked down a cry as ran with only her diary in her hand. She pushed open the exits to the school and ran near the fences. She sat down as tears ran down her face.

I can see it. All their faces laughing at me, I don't even know what this person said! It was too vivid for me I couldn't handle it. Maybe I should text my mother to pick me up. Moving here was a mistake.

"Hey, I noticed what happened earlier are you alright?" A girl asked bending down to match Catra's level. Catra didn't notice so the girl tapped her shoulder. Catra turned her head and locked eyes with them. They were blonde and way too tall for her.

"Are you ok?" The girl asked again. Catra wiped her eyes before locking eyes with the girl again. Neither of them said anything but Catra's stare didn't change. One thing the girl noticed were her eyes.

"I've never seen someone with mismatched eyes," The girl muttered before Catra snapped out of her stare. She scooched back before signing.

"I'm sorry but I can't hear you..." She paused before taking in a deep breath from her nose.

"I'm deaf," She finished signing. The blonde recognized that she was signing so she grabbed sticky notes from her bag.

I'm Adora :D

She scribbled it down before handing it to Catra. Surprised, she took the note from her.

I'm Catra

The two chatted over multiple packs of sticky notes for the rest of the day. Adora was so happy she was able to get to know Catra since it turns out they both like the same show, She-ra. Catra was happy that she made a friend.

I have to catch the bus, do you want my number? It'll give us a chance to talk more -Catra

Catra wrote before handing it to Adora.

Sure, here's mine. ***-***-**** -Adora

She handed it back to Adora causing the blonde to smile. She flipped out her phone and added Catra to her contacts. She sent Catra a quick message and Catra checked her phone.

It's a me! Adorio!

Hey Adora and please never do that again

Catra added Adora to her contacts while Adora chuckled and turned her head.

School's over, don't miss the bus ;)

Thank you 

Adora smiled at the message before running off. Catra picked up the sticky notes before bunching them all up in a paper clip. She slipped them in her pocket before standing up. She reentered the school and hid from Lonnie any time she saw her going through the halls.

She reached her locker and started grabbing and putting back what she didn't need. She closed her locker and left the building only to see the busses already left.

Missed the busses, guess I'm walking home. Also that Adora is very nice she wanted to be my friend! My very first friend! She's amazing, unlike the other girl. She's so mean. She makes me want to cry.

Suddenly she left someone pulled her back. She was about to question why but soon noticed a car zoom by. She would've been dead meat. She turned around and saw Adora with a smile on her face.

You ok?

Yeah thanks

No problem, don't need you dying after we just met lol

Haha thanks though

I noticed you took the bus earlier today. They already left so do you want to ride with me?

Are you sure?

Yep! Only thing is you'll have to deal with my friends. Only 2

I guess it's better than walking home. I'll take it


Adora turned her phone off and took Catra's hand before leading her to her car. Catra passed the horse again and smiled.

In here

Catra looked up and nodded towards Adora before sitting in the back seat. The two people turned their heads.

"Who's this?" The girl asked as Adora sat down in the driver's seat.

"That's Catra! She's my friend!" Adora replied happily looking at Catra through the mirror. Catra noticed and smiled as Adora took off.

"Ok then, I'm Glimmer." Glimmer said looking over at Catra. When she didn't answer Glimmer's brows furrowed.


"Glimmer quiet down, she can't hear you." Adora snapped from her seat. Glimmer glared at her before crossing her arms.

"Oh yeah? Are you sure she's not ignoring us? Back me up Bow," Glimmer said turning to face her best friend. Bow held his hands up and shook his head.

"I'm neutral!" He squeaked as Glimmer groaned.

"She can't hear you because... she's deaf."

You Can't Talk, Why? - Catradora (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now