Chapter 4

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Catra started to freak out until she remembered she had Adora's contact.

Adora! Can you come back, please?

Um yeah sure, did you forget something?

Yeah my diary
[Text has been deleted]


Aw so you want to see me again ;3

Ok and? Who wouldn't want to see you? You're so welcoming

I love being praised for being nice, tell me more please :3

You help others who can't help themselves

That reminds me of my friend! She was hesitant to open up to me but I was able to crack the code. Now we're besties

Aw, that's sweet

I'm here

Oh, I see the thing you left!

Catra's eyes widened as she raced out of her bedroom and ran through her house. She bumped into her mom and quickly signed, sorry, before running outside. She watched as Adora stepped out of her car holding Catra's diary. Adora noticed Catra's fast pace and grew slightly suspicious as she handed Catra her diary back. Catra hugged the book close to her chest before nodding towards Adora and going inside.

You didn't read anything, right?

Catra waited a few minutes but Adora still hadn't responded.

Starting to get worried. What if she did read my entries, especially from a few years ago. She isn't allowed to know that information.


Why was your response slow?

Catra waited again before Adora responded a few minutes later.

I disconnected my phone from the wifi lol

Dummy :)

Yeah, I'll chat later yeah?


This became a frequent thing. Catra and Adora became close friends and did almost everything together. They communicated through texts and sticky notes. Adora even started to leave her friends and sit with Catra at lunch.

Catra was ecstatic about the new changes that were happening. The bullying from Lonnie began to die down due to Adora protecting her all the time. Catra didn't know how to repay her but Adora said it was ok.

That's when it happened. Catra's crush. She soon became attracted to her only friend. She spent almost all day with her and they were always together. If you saw Adora you knew Catra was hiding behind her.

Everything was going well until Glimmer found out. It was an accident.

Glimmer and Catra sat together in ELA. ELA was the only class Adora wasn't in so Adora told Glimmer to keep an eye on Catra. Catra was jotting things down in her diary and Glimmer was taking notes. Catra suddenly stood up and left the classroom, probably for the bathroom.

Glimmer watched the door close before looking back at the diary. It was unlocked. Glimmer glanced around before opening it up and reading from the first page she came across to.

I feel weird. But it's only around Adora. Does she feel this way about me too? I hope so because I think I'm in love with her. Crazy right? We've only known each other for a month and a third. I really hope she feels like same though, that would make my insides bloom.

The diary was snatched from Glimmer's hands causing her to look up. Her eyes widened. Catra was back. The blood seemed to have been drained from her face and her only expression was horror. She clutched the diary to her chest like it was going to save her life. Since the two were seated in the front, the class was able to see what was going on.

Once Catra noticed everyone watching her, she ran out of the classroom. She ran straight to the bathroom and opened the diary. She leaned against the stall as tears streamed down her face. She didn't make any noise.

I'm scared. I'm so scared. What if Glimmer knows? She'll blame me for everything I couldn't do. What if she tells Adora?! She won't talk to me anymore! I'll be alone again and I can't have that. I have to find out what she read.

Catra locked her diary as she left the bathroom. She saw students walking through the halls and guessed the bell went off. She noticed Lonnie and quickly tried to walk past her. Lonnie noticed and grabbed her arm.

"Looks likes Adora isn't protecting you anymore huh?" She snapped before pushing Catra down. Catra winced when Lonnie dug her feet on Catra's chest.

"Adora isn't here to stop me anymore, so I'll make sure I do what I wanted to do from the start." Lonnie snarled grabbing Catra's shirt and lifted her head. Then she punched her. Catra stumbled back and held her nose fearfully.

"What? Can't fight?" Lonnie yelled as a crowd started to form. Catra tried to leave but the crowd from a tight circle, locking the two in. She had no choice but to stand her ground.

And fight back. Or at least stay alive lol

You Can't Talk, Why? - Catradora (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now