Chapter 7

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Oh my gosh, I need to find her and make things right. Glimmer thought while running down the stairs. She pushed through the crowd of students and made sure to look at every one. Where'd she go?  Glimmer exited the building and saw Adora pacing around outside the school. She seemed scared.

"Adora!" Glimmer shouted running towards her. Adora's brows furrowed and she pushed Glimmer away.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!?" She yelled before seeing the diary in Glimmer's hands.

"Glimmer..." Adora said as Glimmer's grip on the diary tightened.


"No. I've reached my limit. What is wrong with you?" Adora snapped as Glimmer looked down, ashamed of her actions.

"How'd you find out?" Glimmer asked quietly. Adora's eyes widened before she showed Glimmer her phone.

I can't stay here, I'm sorry. I love you

"I don't know where she went a-and I can't find her," Adora said as tears welled up in her eyes. Glimmer looked down before an idea popped into her head.

"The bridge!" She said as Adora wiped her tears away.

"The... bridge?" The blonde asked and Glimmer nodded. 

"She tried... once. But it was at the bridge. We have to check again!" Glimmer said and Adora nodded. The two entered Adora's car and drove off. Adora glanced over at Glimmer from the front seat.

"Just so you know, if she's... not here anymore, we are done being friends. So while you're here why did you do this?" Adora asked angrily. Glimmer lowered her head as her thumb rubbed the cover of the diary.

"You spent all day with her and you don't try to include Bow and me!" Glimmer started as she played with her fingers.

"I thought if she was gone we could finally hang out like we used to." She finished before letting out a nervous chuckle.

"That was stupid of me," She said and Adora nodded. However, she knew that she won't be able to stay mad at Glimmer forever. The two parked near the bridge and got out of the car. 

"Where could she-"

"I brought stickies!" Bow yelled running towards them. He stopped and caught his breath before holding the pack of sticky notes up.

"Thanks," Glimmer said grabbing the pen and sticky notepad from him. She looked around before running off. The bridge is insanely long but one small detail helped her with her decision. The beach. Catra described how the beach was in front of her before her entry ended.

"Beach, beach, be- BEACH!!" Glimmer noticed Catra with her arms resting on the metal. Glimmer clutched onto the diary nervously before sucking in a deep breath. This is for Adora. She thought as she approached Catra. She took out a sticky pad and wrote before placing it on the bridge in front of Catra.

Catra stumbled back and turned her head and saw Glimmer. She turned away and hugged herself before Glimmer handed her diary back to her. Catra quickly took it from her before looking back at the sticky note.

Beautiful isn't it -Glimmer

Catra looked up and stared at the sand below her.

It is. Why are you here? -Catra

I came to say sorry. I'm a jerk, I know. You didn't deserve anything I said and did to you. I shouldn't have judged you like that, before getting to know you. -Glimmer

Glimmer ran out of space and grabbed another sticky note.

You're an amazing person and I should've treated you with respect. Adora, she's yours. I don't like her like that I was just trying to get you away from her. -Glimmer

Another sticky.

I didn't realize how hard it is to be deaf. And it makes me feel horrible that you went through constant bullying for your disability. So, I'm sorry. -Glimmer

Another sticky.

I know I don't deserve forgiveness but please don't jump. I can tell Adora loves you and she would be mortified if you jumped... or even tried. -Glimmer

Catra stared at the multiple sticky notes before turning back to Glimmer. She shuffled her feet nervously before hugging her.

I forgive you but please don't read my diary again. -Catra

Glimmer nodded before snapping her fingers.

Speaking of your diary. I know what I did was wrong but you mentioned Entrapta. I know her -Glimmer

Catra's eyes widened as she turned to Glimmer in shock.

YOU DO!? Where is she!? Is she safe?! -Catra

She's safe, don't worry. She had to move away from her father but that's all she told me. -Glimmer

Abusive asshole. -Catra

Both girls eyes widened as Catra crumbled the paper and chucked it off the bridge.

I didn't mean to say that, just ignore it. -Catra

Catra... you two are related aren't you? -Glimmer

Catra couldn't take it anymore as tears rolled down her cheeks. Glimmer pulled the brunette closer and rubbed her back. The two pulled away and Catra wiped her tears away.

I'm sorry -Catra

It's ok to cry, don't sweat it. -Glimmer

Ok -Catra

Do you want to go back? Maybe to your house so we can have more space for stickies? -Glimmer

Sure, thanks -Catra

If you were walking down the boardwalk you would see the ledges covered with sticky notes. Catra smiled and the two hugged again. Adora watched as the two made up. She's been there watching the entire thing unfold. 

And she was proud of Glimmer.

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