We're going to Daegu!

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Chanyeol continues to read the script in his hand, excitement swirling with him at the thought of this film, maybe he will be lucky enough to score his very first producing credit. The very thought of achieving such a mile stone on a film many would not associate himself with makes this project all the sweeter. Provided he can convince his agency to let him take this production on. The sudden stop of an engine tears him away from the script, both he and Jongdae sigh simultaneously as Jongdae is forced to stop his car outside the entrance of agency's parking area! He's thankful now that Jongdae insisted he sit in the back, where the blackout windows are, not that it matters the camera flashes of the press and fans are drowned out by the level of screaming just centimetres from Jongdae's precious car!

A car he gifted his manager on their return from filming in London, the extremely loud whine his manager let out when presented with his own Swish all black with red leather seating Audi R7, could only be heard by animals. He can only chuckle when his Chennie Chen loses his patience and slams on the car horn, his fans instantly separating like the red sea. He smiles at his mangers muttering of "bloody vultures get out the way, there's nothing extraordinary to see, just a man on his way to work." Seconds later his car enters the parking lot.

Chanyeol takes a couple deep cleansing breaths, as the car finally stops at its intended destination, the reserved space for him in the secure underground parking garage. Whilst it's not the only gift he has received Its not exactly the most amazing perk that his agency could give him for raking in the millions he earns for them, some of those millions as the first and youngest Korean Bond Villain, that he just in the last week finished filming for. He does appreciate not having to fight his way through the hoards of fans desperate to get a peek at the trainees, or the idol groups  he knows will be holed up in the training rooms taking dance or vocal lessons. He however is not coming for his dialect classes, he wants to pitch the possibility of auditioning for this movie to the big bosses.

It's only minutes later that he finds himself in what many of his label mates describe as the glass prison, which concerns him. It's the room the agency use to sanction those in breach of their contract, idols caught in compromising positions and finally terminate contracts. It's called the glass prison as there's no tempered glass, no blinds to lower to hide behind. There's no technical items, and you can forget 4G and  signal. The room has this almost floating in the the middle of the floor look to it which just serves to creep him out, he's seen many of his label mates leave in tears. The hope he has for this movie is quickly falling through the cracks on the floor, especially when he sees the big boss and the schedule team enter.

He quickly turns to a clearly agitated Jongdae, "Jongdae did you know about them using this room?"

"No I swear, we were supposed to be having a light lunch in the private room of the restaurant, the trailers for love never dies was supposed to be received today."

Chanyeol doesn't see any obvious signs the team are unhappy with him, so puts on his best dazzling smile and turns to face the man with his fate in his hands.

One hour later
I'm sorry I don't follow, the Kim Shin Hye wants me to star in his next project. Forgive me for saying but doesn't he normally direct historical fantasy horror series like Kingdom, and Death in the Moonlight?"

"Yes son, Netflix want another series, but with the sudden news  surrounding Wang Lu and his drug use, Shin He thought you were the best fit."

"I'm incredibly honoured, but hasn't Kingdom already started filming?"

"The production has been scrapped, it's going to be redone. Meaning those already filmed parts will now be a redone set of 20 episodes tshot back to back. Netflix have their best screenwriters rewriting the script to incorporate the death of Wang Lu's Character. You will be the new lieutenant racing to save the day!

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